The Terminator: Zero anime series, which has been lauded for revitalizing the sci-fi franchise, has garnered a lot of buzz online! Fans have a lot to look forward to with the latest installments!
In a statement to Netflix, series creator Mattson Tomlin has shared some insight about his ambitious plans for future seasons, teasing an arc that could span over six seasons.
The focus would shift from stopping "Judgment Day" to navigating the post-apocalyptic world where sentient machines reign. Tomlin, a self-described "humanist", has shown that he intends to focus on what makes the Terminator franchise so compelling, such as the nature of humanity, technological advancements, and questions surrounding whether humanity is destined to be overcome. The series will follow young heroes across the Terminator timeline, forcing them to face a bleak reality and attempt to fix the chaos of an apocalyptic future.
The show already embraces all of the different Terminator movies and TV shows that have been released previously, with a vast, shared timeline. The events seen in Terminator: Zero serve as part of the established cycles within the franchise, with each iteration inevitably leading to Judgment Day! This adds a unique spin to the story!
This is something that has garnered plenty of buzz and discussion on fan forums. There's an incredible Terminator: Zero story and much of the potential for a multi-season run is driven by Malcolm Lee's ambition to develop the "Kokoro AI" which is a more benign version of the AI technology that powers the machine army, or "Skynet".
A large part of the Terminator: Zero plot is dedicated to Malcolm Lee's effort to launch this AI, and the possibilities that come from a positive technological future for humankind! It will be interesting to see if Malcolm is successful in thwarting the machine uprising and if his AI truly protects humankind.
Tomlin is working towards building a massive multi-season story arc, giving the series an unparalleled opportunity to bring the stories to life with the potential for six seasons and beyond, allowing the writer to explore an incredible depth.