Movies News Talk

Supernatural Finale: 10 Reasons Fans Still Aren't Happy

The Supernatural series finale hit TV screens four years ago and still brings back a rollercoaster of feelings! Fans remember how big of an event this was. For a show that aired for 15 seasons. It became one of the longest-running TV shows with incredible action, dramatic plotlines, and amazing characters that people still talk about. The show did such a great job in those last seasons with the overarching storyline for fans to enjoy as the show wrapped up in those 15 years of entertainment!

id="the-supernatural-series-finale"> The Supernatural Series Finale:

For many Supernatural fans, the series finale was everything that was promised to them!

The final season really gave a final chapter. All these characters got their big send off that everyone deserved! However, it may not have ended on the exact notes some expected! A lot was different due to the COVID-19 Pandemic that affected TV sets. It really was a bummer that such an iconic show couldn't get a final episode with no hiccups or challenges, however, that's real life! What we have to acknowledge about those final episodes of Season 15, those who were still filming needed to change plans, meaning this is where some fans may find the ending, slightly different than they would have wanted it to be.

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10 Issues Fans Have With The Supernatural Finale:

Supernatural series finale Image
  • Fans have really felt that Dean, an integral part of the show for a long time! Got a tragic end and not exactly how audiences expected the character to go! In those final moments of the series, he takes a fall while fighting regular vampires, which is completely shocking for those that watched the series over so many years, seeing Dean Winchester survive some really intense and crazy situations. It was completely off! It may not be how he should have left the show and may make you think there's a better way. It was simply a disappointment for hardcore fans and may not have been the grand, memorable end many were expecting! Dean needed an amazing final moment to really say goodbye and sadly, the end of Season 15 just didn't feel very special.
  • Castiel has had many crazy experiences as a powerful, heroic angel in the series, with some epic ups and downs but his story just left everyone scratching their heads! What many really disliked was that Castiel was not included in the final episode and the lack of a special goodbye that audiences felt was a missed opportunity and something everyone expected from Supernatural. That being said, there are fans that enjoyed this new angle. It was more about creating this interesting open end and some might see this as the series ending in an incredible way, a shocking, surprise ending!
  • Sam Winchester and Jared Padalecki were such major characters! So as the series drew to a close fans saw this moment in his life, a period that might not have seemed possible earlier in the series! What many wanted to see, and what felt like an exciting moment, was for Sam to end with his longtime girlfriend, Elieen! But he didn't end up getting married to this powerful woman in those final scenes. Fans didn't have the closure that many wanted for the long-running couple! You could even get a glimpse into a future with a special person in the finale's last moments as Sam's new wife. It would appear, sadly that this didn't happen due to COVID, but the big reveal of the final moments brought a lot of unanswered questions to a love story. The last scenes didn't give the clarity that many were hoping for! The costuming didn't give a believable image for fans as well, as it wasn't well done enough and even though the big moment had a real heartfelt intention, there were those details about Sam's final life that had many watching say that Supernatural's creators could have done a much better job, or maybe have not gone in that direction.
  • For so many fans of this great series, it is truly hard to forget Baby. Baby was the icon of Dean, a car that represented his essence, even after his final battle with a set of vampires! There was even more, Dean found himself reunited with this amazing vehicle! What happened in Supernatural's last moments, really wasn't enough for fans who expected to see more.

    They would have expected to see those key moments from the show's 15 years! Even when they mentioned Dean was able to have a ride with his car, one of the things that made everyone's lives so wonderful. Those fans might feel cheated about those scenes with Baby. What would really make Supernatural an unforgettable event? It was truly an amazing opportunity for those final scenes of Castiel as an angel in Heaven. There's always a desire for Castiel. You see, many fans would have wanted that reunion between the angels and humans, giving those who have a desire to see those relationships evolve. What they got was a moment to enjoy this special show with a moment in the final moments where Bobby shows up! While he was there as an incredible figure and someone everyone wanted to see! It is a missed opportunity, and truly an upsetting one. If only, some more characters could have returned for those final moments!

  • One of the last scenes, shows how this team came together! Sam and Dean get to say goodbye, for one last time. As it seemed the long, crazy, intense and life-changing events they had all faced were now behind them and their adventure seemed to finally be over. The series may have been able to get everyone back to a starting point as well and a lot of people say that this was where Supernatural really made it all come together and the perfect way to finish out their incredible story! What makes many wonder though is the "what ifs" about the way they decided to bring the story to a close, since the finale focused mostly on those two heroes, who have faced all these scary things together!

  • As "Inherit the Earth" ends, the episode has clips of some truly epic moments. Fans who are passionate about Supernatural will recognize many of the events! A heartfelt scene that was one that had many saying that the story really wrapped up with its themes and messages. For the majority, this is where it really came to a head, the moment the show gave closure for these fans!

    Even though these events seemed to create such memorable and perfect moments. Those final, memorable scenes left many wondering about why they kept pushing on to a last episode!

    • Many thought this would have been the right time and place to put in an extra five to ten minutes to show the entirety of what these iconic characters deserved!

    The finale wasn't able to provide audiences with some incredible character interactions but it was truly the perfect opportunity to really show what those iconic relationships would mean for them and those who had their hearts wrapped up in them.

  • In "Supernatural" we got to see those powerful moments that would truly be worth keeping around. One of those aspects is seeing how Sam and Dean finally felt as if their burdens had lifted after those many, scary, and wild encounters they faced over all those years with Chuck! It felt so refreshing, and to everyone's delight! That would leave viewers wondering if this really was the right decision for Sam and Dean. Why keep up this wild world, where nothing was as it seemed!

    There is still a part of the Supernatural series that may never come together!

    • The events at the end of those last moments when Dean, with the power of his immortality went back into that hunting life but lost his chance to stay in that crazy life and now that Dean was free to live any kind of life he wanted, there is still this strong desire, a feeling from many of those loyal Supernatural fans. Why even do Dean a disservice in those last scenes.

    Fans will forever be arguing and reflecting on the events that unfolded.

  • Many may even think the ending should not have looked like something that "Eric Kripke," the show's creator had in mind! The series went in so many different, exciting directions and in the early seasons there was this special sense that "Supernatural," really put those core characters front and center.

    For fans those iconic events have a special place! You see, what audiences felt they saw in Season 15, felt much more like it went back to the style and format of what made this a cult classic and made a lot of fans love it in the early years!

    It really felt like those early seasons should have been given a proper wrap up in those final moments and to be honest it just did not do those last seasons, enough justice! What many believe is that Supernatural would have really felt more authentic if they had been more respectful of what helped this "show become so well loved!

  • For fans there's always the big question and this special, intense relationship for "Supernatural" fans! A group of friends or a group of family. Those who were hoping for more special moments in Heaven, did not get to experience that sense of family together. While it was interesting, the episode just missed the mark.
  • To be honest there's a lot of discussion as to what the Supernatural team had in mind!

    You may never see a complete and satisfying response as it's still being discussed. It appears that "Supernatural," had plans that went awry due to the real-life conditions that really hampered those plans in a sad and unfortunate manner!

  • This was one of the best moments for many who had been glued to the series! As Charlie returned to help Sam and Dean with their adventures. And she had her fair share of struggles! She was a truly amazing and dynamic part of the series! When it comes to all the best moments, she has some memorable, fantastic lines, as she helps navigate a crazy world filled with so much terror.

    Charlie brought back a super exciting experience in "Supernatural" and her story was cut tragically short but was meant to return, as an extra treat. If she hadn't come back there might have been another great way to have that reunion happen. Many thought this would have happened if Bobby was not there to greet Dean she would have been a perfect next choice, or maybe the choice for many of these long time fans! Those who really have an attachment and who have enjoyed the incredible Supernatural journey! If you've been watching it for some time now and don't want to miss these key moments. There is a whole story that might leave a lasting impression, if only to remind those of us, just what an epic show it has been. If it wasn't for Supernatural there might be no iconic moments to reflect on for those of us, who really loved these shows and want to keep talking about them.

There's a good reason why the Supernatural series finale might be a topic that comes up year after year, in discussions and will continue to do so!

This amazing series left fans with mixed feelings but it still stands out, even to this day as being a big, impactful TV moment. The story about "Supernatural" is truly one for the ages and these moments are ones everyone has to keep talking about! What the show brought to fans is that incredible story that makes us think more and think differently about life. It's no surprise that so many fans keep reflecting on this CW series, as we reflect and make sense of our world. So for any fans who have had a chance to get a glimpse into the Supernatural universe the finale is a moment in the heart of many fans. This series made history with the incredible moments! And these iconic episodes may just live on, even four years later.

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