The popular series, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, focuses on Captain Pike Star Trek. Fans who have followed Anson Mount Star Trek are interested in learning how the show's timeline will evolve!
For those unfamiliar, Star Trek: Discovery season 2 shows Pike getting a vision of his future, resulting in Captain Pike Wheelchair. But, it's uncertain how this will play out! In a recent interview, Anson Mount suggested that while they respect the Star Trek canon, he wants to keep things true to the timeline.
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 left the series on a big cliffhanger! While the future for the series has not been released, fans who follow Star Trek and this project can expect that season three will likely resolve those. It's safe to say, it might involve a difficult journey as they deal with Pike's future. There's always a great chance this will include Pike's future as a hero, and what happened in Star Trek The Original Series!
Yes, this is considered a Star Trek canon, making this project vital to fans who follow Star Trek: The Original Series and how the Star Trek timeline developed! This includes any additions to Star Trek Fictional Time.
As the show moves into season 3, there's a strong chance of new narratives being released. While nothing is confirmed, Mount suggested that there could be a new way to tell the story.
Star Trek Fan's will enjoy these recent releases for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. They are constantly watching for new updates for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds cast and stories for Star Trek characters! Be sure to follow for any Star Trek Episode releases as they come out.
Check out Star Trek Strange New Worlds and Star Trek: Discovery on the Star Trek Network! It's the perfect way to prepare for the continuation of the Star Trek project and all of the adventures that await!