The Apple TV+ comedy-drama series Shrinking starring Jason Segel delves into mental health issues and challenges those in therapy. However, Season 1 drew criticism for some unconventional therapy methods. Fans want to know what Season 2 holds for this exciting new show!
Season 2 directly addresses the biggest criticism from Season 1. Fans will see Jason Segel Shrinking tackle the consequences of unconventional methods of therapy, while also dealing with the death of his wife.
Co-creators Jason Segel and Bill Lawrence confirmed some interesting details. Shrinking will explore a more thoughtful approach to therapy ethics, as the show explores the aftermath of Jimmy's unique approach, showing a better balance between the comedic moments and emotional drama.
If you enjoyed Shrinking season 1 and those Shrinking characters, you'll see their return for Season 2! Shrinking season 2 cast, including Harrison Ford and Gaby Williams as Jimmy's fellow therapists will continue on!
Get ready for the fallout of Jimmy's decisions. This will bring the issue of consequences from unorthodox methods in therapy into the spotlight, which were a huge talking point from Shrinking season 1. Fans of the show will be interested to see how Jimmy deals with this sensitive matter.
Shrinking is one of Apple TV+'s hottest new shows! You can check out Shrinking season 2 trailer for clues to Shrinking season 2 episodes and some updates regarding Shrinking characters and the plot.
You can enjoy the newest season as it premiers! The release date has already been set for Shrinking season 2 release date! Make sure to add this to your schedule: October 16th!