The FX series "Shōgun" tells an amazing tale about Japanese history during 17th Century Japan. You might know it as an adaptation from a well known novel written in 1975. What makes this series stand out?
One scene got everyone talking as an expert got a chance to weigh in on just how authentic and awesome this sequence was.
A famous actor, Anna Sawai who plays "Mariko" had her moments in episode 9. That scene was epic! With her "naginata", ( a super sharp Japanese spear-like weapon), fighting off some of the soldiers that were in the scene, was awesome.
Even more compelling, Seki Nobuhide Sensei, a martial arts and "katana" expert gave Sawai's fight an awesome rating! The expert in the video breaks down this specific scene from "Shōgun," episode 9. Sensei rated it an 8 out of 10! If there was a possibility to rate a movie scene even more accurate, then this could have been given a perfect score.
It's a movie about this grand and epic time and history, and Sensei even highlights some fascinating things that would make it incredibly real!
The scene where she had a fierce confrontation was a truly iconic and moving display of martial arts. And, fans have taken note, since it was all captured so masterfully. What is more noteworthy is just what this series means!
The cast is truly outstanding, including Hiroyuki Sanada, and the big star who got the series into the limelight! The heart and soul of the movie is Cosmo Jarvis!
Even more so! When you really think about how powerful a performance was. That means this is one that everyone needs to see. This is another series that could not only bring viewers to tears!
What makes it stand out and may make audiences want to check this one out? While they have to keep in mind "Shōgun" is not a historical documentary. This is based on true events and those people that made their mark! These historical details play a role in giving viewers a much deeper, more accurate feel! It is not only historical. It delves into all those complexities that happen between people in positions of power and it also emphasizes that even war stories, have these fascinating character elements that drive all those epic stories!
What really matters!
What is even more important about all these details is how it gave audiences an opportunity to really learn! What makes "Shōgun" stand out in terms of historical context. This might even bring in some new, even more intense and action-packed moments in Season 2 and Season 3! There's an intense, gripping aspect, making this one of those shows where audiences can’t get enough! And with this performance from Anna Sawai. She will have a memorable moment and even some of the most well known experts, were giving it their ultimate approval and made everyone love what's so memorable. That is exactly why "Shōgun" has garnered such positive praise from those watching, from critics, and general viewers alike. The series is something that should not only make your list of "must watch," shows. It will also have audiences waiting with anticipation for these next seasons!