Prison Break which initially aired in 2005 saw some plot issues throughout its seasons creating a need for a course correction for the upcoming reboot particularly involving an old charecter. The series rapidly became known for its amazing suspenseful storylines leading to a Prison Break movie and several spin-offs but the series seemed to lose focus as seasons went on. Prison Break’s initial season spotlighted Michael Scofield's mission to free Lincoln Burrows from prison plus the group escape of the "Fox River Eight". Season 2 evolved into a complex manhunt intertwined with an even greater political conspiracy showcasing more intense villains that the main group had to overcome.
Evolution of Villains In Prison Break Series: Alex Mahone Represents The Growing Complexity Of The Show's Narrative
Season 1 featured villains such as sadistic prison guards and powerful inmates but when main characters ventured into the real world they had to face completely new types of enemies with all types of official power. FBI agent Alex Mahone became a clear example of these higher levels of enemy characters where his intellect matched that of Michael while showing the limitations with his drug dependency plus ethical character growth. Prison Break saw characters decline when the narrative no longer found room for their unique talents as demonstrated in many of its previous main storylines but Mahone seemed to have an unique potential in later plots that had been missed.
Alex Mahone's Absence in Season 5 and a Call For His Return in Future Reboot Shows of Prison Break
Alex Mahone quickly deciphered the secret messages within Michael's tattoo making the FBI a step ahead for most of season 2 where it would be revealed his motivations changed. The Prison Break creators seemingly struggled with development of his character when he was portrayed to become an ally to Michael and consequently Mahone played by William "Bill" Fichtner did not appear in the fifth season of Prison Break. Alex Mahone was a key figure with high intellectual skills also plagued by dark past and moral questions providing an opportunity that should be re-explored through a Prison Break reboot . Mahone was specifically absent in the fifth season with many hoping that would not be his final moments on screen.
Robert Knepper Hints at Mahone's Potential Return in Future Episodes of Prison Break Reboots
Robert Knepper playing the villain T-Bag noted the fifth season didn't use Mahone for story telling and mentioned Paul Scheuring did not know what to do with that character. Knepper said also mentioned if a new chapter happened then there is potential that Bill Fichtner could also return again in the new reboot of the Prison Break tv series . Robert Knepper in a Digital Spy interview mentioned the possibility of Mahone's return for another time since the shows producers were also thinking of the possibility to use his unique skillset.
Original Characters and the Possibility of Future Cameos With New Cast Members In Next Iteration of Prison Break
Wentworth Miller plus Dominic Purcell will not appear in new iteration of Prison Break series with most likely an all new group of main cast members but potential for original characters might occur in future episodes. the new show is going to remain in original Prison Break series universe and Alex Mahone could link both old cast with the new actors by filling the missing character gaps with previous events as well as potential future story developments. Mahone with many secrets from his past provides potential for unique solo arcs or as a part of main story telling that could engage fans across various demographics.
Changing Focus of Prison Break Story With Original Characters For the Reboot Show With Mahone
Many Prison Break viewers often pointed out that plot quality declined after first season creating some storyline changes that some people interpreted as negative over time. Prison Break as a story shifted to many genres but changing focus during this new series is an opportunity. A trend with increased demand in popularity with police procedurals means a former FBI agent can take lead. A true crime narrative direction could be explored for Prison Break where Mahone could have major role and potential as central character of plot lines to build storylines with high suspense which is often linked to the character in original tv shows.
Prison Break’s Original Story Focuses on Two Brothers Challenging Authority and Injustice
The story of Prison Break showcases the trials of two brothers as they expose a political conspiracy as they try to escape very secure facilities on Earth. Lincoln Burrows portrayed by Dominic Purcell got a false murder charge for the Vice President’s brother. Lincoln’s brother Michael Scofield acted by Wentworth Miller intentionally had himself incarcerated using a detailed blue print that he tattooed on his own body.