Poppa’s House is a television show on CBS set to resume production amid a backdrop of devastating wildfires. The show’s return reflects both resilience and adaptability in a changing landscape within Hollywood.
After pausing filming last week due to the wildfires Poppa’s House has plans to start up again. Along with NCIS , NCIS: Origins and The Neighborhood also plan to return and these programs will be filmed with caution using proper measures to protect personnel. All four programs are produced by CBS studios which emphasizes a larger trend of returning programs despite circumstances.
The return to set has additional requirements. All productions will be filming in closed soundstages with a close observation team from health and security professionals. This creates a way to get back into filming in the safest possible manner with awareness for challenges during production.
Even with scheduled tapings resuming those that have had to evacuate or who are still being impacted by the recent fires will not be required to come into work however they will receive their regular pay. This emphasizes a unique take of compassion that many productions are implementing. This supports each other during these uncertain and difficult times.
The Hollywood industry has gone through multiple changes including a pause due to COVID and several strikes over the last year. The many obstacles of production show resilience through difficult events and all different types of challenges. Also many studio productions face closures and changes but are pushing to get past those events.
Wildfires have also added to some existing challenges making a larger effect on shows to find locations and crew that are both safe and available during these times. These disruptions give production studios the task to navigate new boundaries that can hinder progress at many different junctures. Shows including Abbott Elementary and Grey's Anatomy have all been affected by these factors demonstrating a need for adaptation and resilience from production personnel.
The show Jimmy Kimmel Live made their studio into a donation center accepting much needed supplies to help support relief in their communities that were directly affected by the many fires. Clothing, food and water from production sets have been shared by people who wanted to give back. In addition parent company of many TV series and CBS; Paramount pledged to donate $1 million to relief.
The many donations made through shows like Jimmy Kimmel Live gave the city ways to band together to offer their support during all the trials that took place across Los Angeles County. There have been many celebrities that also have lost homes or those that were evacuated from dangerous situations. The shows themselves provide a chance for support.
“Poppa’s House” is one of many productions which were suspended, but now is returning to filming in a new way that considers more of a balanced perspective. The show's production base is located at Radford Studio Center. However there are many details surrounding that show which help give the needed understanding in their return.
With a production crew that was mindful of keeping to guidelines and safe protocols made them ready to continue to meet their original deadline which was originally paused when wildfires took a grip. A strong plan helped prepare them to come back quickly and more efficiently by being able to shift gears with no time wasted and return quickly.
With many wildfires hitting Los Angeles the shows production of “After Midnight” did have to cancel tapings, for a longer period. This is due to that studio located at Paramount not being clear and available for a safe crew. This highlighted that although it was important to keep productions moving it was just as important to make sure that the cast and crew remained safe from all impending danger while traveling to those various locations.