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Game of Thrones Stark Character Arcs Ranked: Best to Worst

The Starks of Game of Thrones are legendary, but some of their storylines are way more satisfying than others!

Stark Character Arcs Ranked: Worst to Best

From the epic battles to the heartbreaking losses, the Starks have seen it all. But which Stark had the best character arc? Let's break down the highs and lows of each!

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9. Benjen Stark

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Benjen, Ned Stark's brother and the First Ranger of the Night's Watch, starts strong! He seemed to care about Jon Snow, showing honor like his brother. But then? He kinda vanishes. Sure, he shows up later to save Bran and Jon, but then dies. His arc is short, leaving so much potential unrealized. It's a real shame, given how awesome season 1's set-up is.

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8. Rickon Stark

Poor Rickon. He's just too young to really be a part of things. He trails Bran, then vanishes only to show up to get himself used as bait and ends up dying by the awful Ramsay Bolton. He's more of a plot device than a character. His death is only impactful due to the way it hits Jon. A missed opportunity, considering his age and lack of development. Definitely not the strongest!

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7. Bran Stark

Bran's journey starts great; we are shocked in the pilot when he can't walk! It hints he becomes the Three-Eyed Raven and seems hugely important, early on. Exploring that side of things beyond the Wall is interesting, too!

However, the show doesn't quite make Bran being the Three-Eyed Raven feel believable, explaining it in way too little detail. Plus, they never really explore Bran's feelings. And finally? Him being king at the end of Season 8 is baffling and feels undeserved! The story could've had major improvements, despite its awesome highs!

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6. Catelyn Stark

Catelyn Stark, played incredibly well by Michelle Fairley, is fiery and powerful during the first 3 seasons! We really loved to see her taking charge! Sadly, she spends her time mainly advising Robb, who ignores most of it. Not having enough of a direct impact on the story, sadly puts her down on this list! Plus, losing her before she has much chance to develop, just really holds the storyline back, especially missing out on Lady Stoneheart!

5. Robb Stark

Robb becomes King in the North, avenging Ned! That is some high-octane drama. His arc is great - full of strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately, his journey is so brief because the Red Wedding cut his story off! There just wasn't the space to see his character evolve! If only he didn't get so brutally killed early!

4. Ned Stark

While Ned Stark is only in one season of Game of Thrones, he made the entire story happen! Ned's death sets everything off. His season 1 arc establishes the Starks and their values and creates the tension that drives so much of the rest of the show! His children proving themselves by the end? Vindicates his loss! Few flaws, just lacking length!

3. Jon Snow

Jon Snow's story is full of flaws but completely awesome! Going from being a bastard to King in the North is dramatic! This isn't easy. And his epic showdown against the Night King, makes him appear to be one of the series most recognizable hero and one fans will be excited about!

He saves Westeros. Yet the show fumbles! Jon is almost sidelined when it comes to defeating the Night King. They don't fully dig into his Targaryen side and don't give a really believable explanation why he’s not given a rightful place to be the rightful King on the Iron Throne. Too good for a lower ranking!

2. Arya Stark

Arya is iconic! Her whole journey makes perfect sense: becoming an explorer and warrior! Amazing scenes to make this memorable! We get to enjoy Arya's awesome growth! Everything from traveling with the Hound to getting revenge is incredible.

Sadly, her Essos time drags a bit! Her Faceless Men training is hugely important and leads to her amazing role in beating the Night King. Too long to be higher, but even with that flaw, its pretty small, and her ending rocks!

1. Sansa Stark

Sansa shows the most growth, making it awesome! We see a complete transformation from being innocent to one that is able to thrive as a strategic, politically-minded leader. While seeing Sansa go through difficult things, in early Game of Thrones seasons. This only gives a lot more strength to the moment where she outsmarts everyone who tries to cause her problems! She completely excels over those who think they are in charge!

Then Sansa becoming Queen in the North is earned. Sure, a few small flaws, but the greatness is far beyond this. Absolutely top notch!

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