Movies News Talk

Game of Thrones Season 9: Is It Possible? Exploring the Chances of a Return

Game of Thrones Season 9: Will It Ever Happen? A Deep Dive into the Possibilities (and the Problems!)

Game of Thrones Season 9: A Fantasy We're All Still Dreaming Of

Let's be honest, folks. Game of Thrones season 8 was… controversial. It ended, sure. But did it really end? The question of a season 9 has lingered for years, even becoming a bit of an obsession for some of those hardcore fans! Ever since that ending, HBO has been busy churning out prequels, focusing on Westeros' past; it feels like a way to move on from that somewhat disappointing ending. We've had House of the Dragon, plus other Targaryen-focused projects (and more in development!), and a few others are also planned; highlighting the importance of the franchise and creating an entire shared universe for the franchise!

But could we ever actually get a Season 9 of the main show?  The idea’s almost unbelievable. Yet, it's also completely possible; it certainly highlights that nothing is ever impossible, especially with the power of that insanely popular franchise; that IP alone drives those creative decisions forward!

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Why Game of Thrones Ended (and Why It Might Not Be Over!)

Kit Harringston as Jon Snow carrying a torch in Game of Thrones season 8 Image

One major complaint about season 8: it felt rushed. That's valid!  But those seven seasons (around 70 hours!) were, according to Variety (back in 2007!), the original plan! The showrunners even emphasized it in interviews (like David Benioff to EW in 2014, mentioning seven seasons and this idea of seven gods, kingdoms, seasons).  That plan changed (to eight seasons by 2016, with shorter final seasons), mostly because of how massively huge the production became!

The show was never cancelled– the viewership was enormous! It was a creative decision! Ending at eight seasons was simply how the showrunners wanted to wrap things up. Yet this doesn’t mean that there aren't various other options available, particularly when considering some other narrative possibilities that could've easily been incorporated!

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What the Cast Thinks About a Season 9: The Biggest Hurdle Isn't the Story

Sansa (Sophie Turner) as Queen in the North in Game of Thrones season 8 and a Stark direwolf statue on a ship Image

The real problem? Not the story or even the budget. HBO would throw money at a season 9 in a heartbeat, seriously.   But it depends on the cast (and showrunners Benioff and Weiss) and that's where things get complicated. Many of the actors have moved on, despite expressing some level of interest.  Kit Harington (Jon Snow) considered a spinoff but it got scrapped.  He even talked about his exhaustion.  "I think if there was any fault with the end of Thrones, is that we were all so fking tired, we couldn't have gone on longer," he said.

Sophie Turner (Sansa) mentioned a return; but only with the original cast and crew; and that's virtually impossible. Maisie Williams (Arya) also remains open. That’s great news for many fans! However, getting everyone back – with salaries, schedules – would be incredibly difficult. And then there's Benioff and Weiss. They took a lot of heat for season 8, even turned down producer credits on future spinoffs because they weren’t involved! With their Netflix deal (the 3 Body Problem adaptation), a return seems unlikely!

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George R.R. Martin's Wish for a Longer Series (But Season 9 Would Be Different)

George R R Martin, wearing a hat, speaking at San Diego Comic-Con Image

The author himself, George R.R. Martin, wants more seasons!  He's stated that 13 seasons would better match his books!  But a season 9 would be totally new material; it would not be adapted in any way, going far beyond the existing plot points. The books aren’t finished yet—and this season 9 would need purely inventive storytelling that might not even meet the author's own creative intentions.

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Game of Thrones Season 9: What Would the Story Be?

Blended image of Sansa, Arya, Tyrion, and Jon in Game of Thrones Image

Season 8 ended character arcs. Jon went back beyond the Wall. Sansa became Queen in the North. Arya sailed west. Bran became King, with Tyrion as Hand.  A season 9 would likely need a time jump – which wouldn’t be terrible, introducing new characters, threats, conflicts. They could focus on Arya's discoveries, Sansa and Bran's rules, and Jon’s life in the far north. It would need to balance fixing season 8’s issues and maintaining that incredible reputation already built up.

Reuniting the Starks is an obvious idea; Arya presumably returns home! That family and political drama would create lots of conflict and intrigue! But this presents an enormous challenge and difficulty for the writers involved, and the expectations for meeting those incredible standards created by the previous seasons would be something almost impossible to achieve.

The Verdict: Season 9 Remains Highly Unlikely

Tyrion looking wary and exhausted in the Game of Thrones series finale Image

A season 9 is extremely unlikely right now. HBO has tons of Game of Thrones spinoffs planned! Plus, there are plenty of Martin's stories yet to explore. However, never say never. Revivals happen, but getting the cast, showrunners, and the right story? It's a tall order. No serious plans are on the table; this demonstrates that a season 9 is entirely unlikely, and other plans exist that are far more feasible.

Conclusion: The End (For Now?) of an Epic Saga

Game of Thrones Poster Image

Game of Thrones ended. That might not satisfy everyone; leaving that lingering uncertainty. But the possibility of a season 9 highlights how unpredictable the future of TV really is. The show is a massive cultural phenomenon. Many would want this, and this might still happen! And this is just another factor that adds to those many creative ideas that will remain as something to ponder for years to come, as we all contemplate what could possibly be made.

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