The "FBI" series on CBS has become a well known franchise featuring a unique world of law enforcement. The original show and two spin offs including "Most Wanted" and "International" have brought their style of drama and crime based content.
Fans have been wondering when the hiatus would be over and new episodes for the show can be streamed. These shows had many intense story lines leading up to the mid season break which have fans excited to learn the next chapter for each of their favorite characters. The hiatus which took place over the winter break created suspense while fans waited for the release of new shows.
All three shows which are popular among TV viewers returned on January 28, 2025 . This new set of programs premiered back to back and run during prime time television from 8pm to 11 pm eastern time every Tuesday evening.
The original "FBI" series returned to the air waves for another series of action packed situations that put core agents in tense situations. With betrayal by some they had previously placed trust and the introduction of some personal complications many viewers look forward to how these circumstances effect all characters.
The core FBI agents were working to stop a major cargo heist that tragically resulted in deaths of many law enforcement personnel. OA Zidan relied on an associate named Clay Voss for assistance in his search but they found Clay was actually the culprit leading to the episode to end with Clay's death and multiple characters were impacted and the team divided by this shocking turn.
The team has had a change of power dynamics and it was the aftermath from a key member's departure in prior shows and also new characters seeking guidance with their pasts causing complications within team functions. They deal with intense situations throughout this series.
The series addresses how they deal with the loss of Scott Forrester the leader. Also this season had an investigation of newcomer Wes Mitchell whose former partner was murdered which became a large focal point. The most recent episode also ended on a cliffhanger with Cameron Vo fighting for her life.
The “Most Wanted” show has the team trying to take down a suspected serial killer which had them working with other law enforcement teams. This series shows the struggles between characters’ professional lives with personal relationships by delving into the core of their decision making.
As a team they worked hard to stop a home invasion with many individuals involved, each adding their own difficulties to the overall mystery. When their main case ended other interpersonal dynamics began to play a factor in character motivation. This also introduced elements for growth in how character handle personal relationships in such a stressful environment.
Recently the FBI was reportedly on the scene in Los Angeles to investigate unauthorized drone activity around ongoing wildfires, while also near homes of notable figures like Ben Affleck , while doing that task they would often approach different residences throughout the city.
It was reported that the Ground Intercept Task force was seen as part of an ongoing investigation of potential interference during a time when there was devastating fires near multiple celebrity homes. This creates an element of suspense due to its unexpected approach during an extreme event which makes that part of the story unique.
Many celebrities and people lost everything during these fires that occurred when this investigation took place. Some notable actors such as Jennifer Garner who has mentioned losing a friend due to the event and multiple homes completely damaged or gone creating even more challenges during the current time frame. The devastation mirrors some situations shown within all 3 of these "FBI" series.