Emmerdale’s Marlon Dingle played by Mark Charnock experiences a shocking situation when his daughter April Windsor played by Amelia Flanagan goes missing from home during Christmas Day. This disappearance plunges Marlon and Rhona Goskirk played by Zoe Henry into distress as they immediately start to search for her location with many local neighbors across Emmerdale joining in on the frantic search effort.
Marlon and Mary played by Louise Jameson return home dejected after their frantic searches but later receive Anna a family liaison officer. Distressed Marlon reveals April had reacted strongly after learning her mother's death leading to a police search at Smithy cottage home in Emmerdale. Ross Barton played by Mike Parr also confides in Charity Dingle portrayed by Emma Atkins about feeling guilty concerning April’s disappearance with Charity urging Ross Barton to aid the local rescue efforts to bring home April. Emmerdale fans continue to express high interest as each show delivers new plots about characters on social media as well.
The police investigation at Smithy cottage leads Marlon and Rhona to find missing money plus some of April's possessions concluding she is running away from home as per findings discovered through evidence. This further highlights that April likely planned her disappearance intentionally to some extent according to police reports from Anna . Anna also finds contraceptive pills while searching April's bedroom which causes even further upset among concerned family members. Marlon expresses a sense of personal failure for April's troubled circumstances while showing strong grief. The Bowel cancer article was recently also in the local area to make the public aware of risks among younger people in the UK as per research by several groups in the English region.
Marlon tries putting posters in Woolpack while confronting Manpreet played by Rebecca Sarker and his focus shifts with local villages who now volunteer to help in search. Social Media activities are now the focal point after Marlon discovers April's online interactions with others on her different profiles with questions of whether she's actually gone into hiding at all or is there some other kind of dangerous situation. The Woolpack is a staple for all the local community and most know to turn there for support when difficult situations arise.
Jacob Gallagher portrayed by Joe-Warren Plant starts work in the local A&E experiencing high pressure situations from day one during a standalone episode at the Emmerdale medical facilities. Jacob’s supervisor Dr Todd quickly informs Jacob that he should prepare himself when an incoming stabbing case appears. Jacob recognizes April's purse from his earlier interactions with the Dingle family prompting him to call Marlon while breaking protocol . Jacob is later reprimanded by Dr Todd when Jacob fails in his duty when sharing privileged information. The Dingle Family has some long running storylines often showcasing the deep connections between neighbors with several different generations present.
Marlon and Rhona go to the Emmerdale Hospital hoping for information. Jacob while observing realizes a nurse was about to share devastating updates to April’s parents leaving him personally distraught as he witnesses their loss in the family waiting room . Jacob’s role as a medical professional clashes directly with his role as a member of Emmerdale communities with deep ties to local families. Charity suddenly shows up at the Emmerdale hospital after Sarah Sugden portrayed by Katie Hill collapsed due to her intoxicated state. Jacob steps into help Sarah using what knowledge he has gained as a new worker at A and E but also gives Sarah advice on alcohol misuse with Sarah revealing personal information about her life.
Stressed Jacob makes connections with elderly patient called Henry for emotional support and solace due to pressures he has recently felt from his first experiences at his new job. Moira played by Natalie Robb and Cain Dingle played by Jeff Hordley arrive at the Emmerdale Hospital for a medical appointment when Moira is shocked after encountering Jacob working there . The couple also go to discuss her radiation therapy with an oncologist however she is overcome with emotion during the mask fittings. Cain is seen also having a lengthy discussion with Henry as he shows to be remembering stories of his own father who is not with the show anymore leaving Moira quite distressed because he is not at her side after medical procedure in a later time .
Five flashforwards are scheduled during the New Year's Eve Emmerdale episode. The local Emmerdale television community is anticipating revelations. Many questions remain about whether all is really as it seems for April's mysterious departure and will fans actually learn the hidden secrets within the flashforwards showing during New Years . Emmerdale airs each weekday on ITV1 at 7:30 pm and via streaming through ITVX creating regular connection between fans and the long running series from UK based broadcasting studio network.