Some well-known antagonists from 2006 were omitted from the season 14 finale, "Empire of Death," according to Russell T Davies, the Doctor Who showrunner. According to Davies, the first screenplay featured zombie civil servants acting as searchers for the Doctor, Mel, and Ruby Sunday on behalf of Sutekh, the antagonist of the show's conclusion.
The undead civil servants were eventually eliminated, according to Davies, since they were too much of a diversion from the primary plot. The main plot points of the finale were Ruby learning the real story of her mother and Ruby and the Doctor defeating Sutekh. It would have been a significant addition to the story and detracted from the primary plot to include zombie civil personnel.
The willingness of the program to adapt old ideas into new narratives was demonstrated by Sutekh's comeback in the season 14 finale. In the 60th anniversary specials, The Toymaker—another iconic Doctor Who villain—made his first appearance since 1966.
Not all of the antagonists that have appeared in recent seasons of the program are Sutekh and the Toymaker. Two antagonists from the most recent revival, the Weeping Angels and the Silence, were being considered for the season 14 finale. The potential of the program to revive iconic villains and give them fresh relevance is seen by the reappearance of characters like Sutekh and the Toymaker.
The show hasn't officially revealed which villain will make an appearance in season 15, despite the season 14 finale dropping some clues regarding well-known villains making a comeback. The readiness of the program to revive former antagonists, even those from its infancy, suggests that a classic villain may make a comeback.
The return of a more contemporary villain is also not ruled out by the program. Since the Weeping Angels and the Silence are well-known antagonists who might present the Doctor and his friends with new challenges, their reappearance would be intriguing. Whichever villain appears, it's certain that the program will keep dipping into its rich past to offer viewers gripping new tales.
Doctor Who's upcoming episode, "Joy to the World," a Christmas special, will debut on December 25, 2024. The Doctor's journey will be further explored in this Christmas special, which will also be a fantastic chance to introduce viewers to new characters and plots.
The Christmas special presents an excellent chance for the program to unveil a new antagonist. "Joy to the World" might include a returning nemesis, given the show's recent propensity to revive iconic antagonists. But the program might also present a fresh antagonist, posing a fresh obstacle for the Doctor to overcome.