In the Original Series, Nurse Christine Chapel's fiancé was renowned scientist Doctor Roger Korby. His innovative efforts and commitment to his study were well-known. But his life tragically changed when he was badly hurt on an excursion to Exo III and replaced his injured body with an android copy.
Absolutely! Before the sad events of the Original Series transpire, we will see the developing friendship between Nurse Chapel and Doctor Korby in Strange New Worlds. Viewers will thus be able to truly commit to their love story and feel the emotional effects of Korby's abduction and the following disclosure that he is an Android.
Doctor Korby's entrance will set Strange New Worlds into a major and sad narrative. It will look at ideas of love, death, and the moral connotations of technology. The circumstances surrounding Korby's disappearance will also affect Lieutenant Spock's relationships as well as Nurse Chapel's.
Although the article does not specifically say this, given Strange New Worlds is notorious for including Original Series components, it is quite likely that we will see the Android clone of Doctor Korby there. Given the moral conundrums of Korby's choice to replace his body with an android, it will be interesting to watch how the show addresses this side of the tale.
Strange New Worlds occurs in 2259, two years before Korby vanishes on Exo III. Viewers will thus have time to get connected to Nurse Chapel and Doctor Korby's relationship before the Original Series events start, so enabling a more emotionally powerful experience.
Strange New Worlds season 3's Doctor Korby will be portrayed by Irish actor Cillian O'Sullivan. As the gifted and sad scientist, audiences should expect a riveting performance from this skilled actor with great reputation.