David Muir, a prominent anchor for ABC News, recently gained attention with on camera clothing adjustments while reporting live from the devastating Los Angeles wildfires. This fashion incident led to much social media commentary.
During live coverage David Muir was seen wearing a fire resistant yellow jacket with a visible adjustment using what seemed to be clothespins in the back. This adjustment caused a variety of strong reactions and critiques from across media sources.
Social media blew up with opinions. Many viewers claiming his actions are "pathetic" along with comments accusing Muir of being narcissistic for paying too much attention to appearance. Others accused him of putting looks above the seriousness of the news.
Prior to this Muir’s jacket was noted to look ill-fitting so he used traditional style adjustments similar to what many fashion and television productions often use. The initial placement used clothespins to cinch the fabric to his body, making the jacket more tailored. The show however was from the devastating location of the wildfire making many feel it was not a moment for style.
Following a large response over the adjustments to the fire jacket Muir adjusted his outfit for the next broadcast. He appeared to be wearing the same jacket unzipped and loose. During some reporting he opted out of using a jacket at all which made a statement showing he was listening to audience response.
While some called Muir’s actions "vain and attention seeking" others came to his defense pointing out that the winds might have made it hard for his clothes to lay correctly which would require quick adjustments. However there were some industry and news peers that called the initial choices “a fashion faux pas".
Many took offense as the outfit choice seemed more theatrical and was compared to “dressing up.” With the comparisons to Zoolander and Anchorman it highlighted a level of disbelief for his fashion decision. Others focused on the jacket being a symbol of support or lack thereof to the people involved in the event. The view was one of misrepresentation that it had an over focus on style over practicality.
Some pointed out that the jacket might have needed adjustments due to high winds and may have even been safety related. Others were bothered that an emphasis was being put on the style aspect rather than on the information at hand. His critics believe that putting the jacket and his image before the actual information was misaligned in the overall goals of broadcast journalism.
In a response from ABC News a spokesperson mentioned that David Muir was completely focused on the efforts from first responders and people that had been negatively impacted. They mention he is aware of all those that are suffering from such extreme loss during a hard time.
Sources that are internal to ABC News were described to feel embarrassed and horrified over the styling choices. They believe such behavior is not needed for journalism or on air presence and many have made remarks as to the choice of style throughout his career showing frustration.
Many were saying that in times of disaster reporters need to focus more on the story and provide the necessary information rather than on their outward appearance and overall perception. Some who are well versed in this field described that his actions played on the stereotype that broadcast journalism is performative over substantial information.
The importance of ethics in a time of tragedy is critical in journalism. For a reporter to accurately convey truth and empathy is something that many feel was lacking due to choices he made at that time and made that more visible as the media continued to discuss this moment of coverage. Also some have commented on the ethics of his role as anchor saying “ he is not a hair model reading a script”.