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Daenerys Targaryen: Book vs. Show – 10 HUGE Game of Thrones Differences!

Game Of Thrones vs. A Song of Ice and Fire: 10 Ways Daenerys Targaryen Was Different!

Daenerys Targaryen: The Book vs. the Show – Major Differences!

Daenerys Targaryen. She’s iconic, right? That powerful Game of Thrones character.  But HBO made some SERIOUS changes! This article explores ten major differences between the show and George R.R. Martin's books (A Song of Ice and Fire). This iconic character is vastly different; showcasing that certain books truly present details completely left out! It also discusses other plot aspects that completely shape how we might look at the whole thing!

Game of Thrones takes liberties with most characters; but Dany’s transformations remain amongst the biggest, particularly at those points where major choices radically diverge from those source materials; affecting some critical elements like backstories, personality, and those battles in Essos, those are just some key points to consider!

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Top 10 Daenerys Differences: Book vs. Show

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10. Daenerys's Look: Purple Eyes and Fiery Hair Loss!

The biggest difference?  Dany’s looks! The show ages her up for a variety of reasons; however in Martin's books, she's a teenager early on— that significantly changes that early storyline! That whole scene with Khal Drogo becomes far more unsettling and intense as the sheer young age dramatically alters its impact for those readers. And those silver hair, purple eyes? This marks her majestic Valyrian beauty; which got largely downplayed in the show which lost some of that fantastical quality.

And those iconic fiery scenes in A Game of Thrones? The flames leave Dany with totally burned hair. It doesn't grow back for pages. This adds yet another unique element of what exactly happens with her throughout those earlier scenes – completely contrasting with how that particular sequence proceeded during that corresponding TV episode. It leaves her with a distinctly altered look later; which should have greatly contributed toward the appearance later. The overall appearance in later plots gets affected as her looks in books significantly differ later in time.

9. Daenerys's Mysterious Backstory: More Than Just a Princess

Game of Thrones Daenerys Targaryen looks different on the Show than in the books. Image

The show briefly touches Dany's past; those parts which explain that her family background in that scene when she arrives with her older brother in Season 1 are highlighted! But Martin gives us more mystery! She recalls a house with a red door, a lemon tree; creating more layers than typically displayed through her comments.   This is critical; those memories conflict with that climate in Braavos – hinting towards a potentially alternate childhood, possibly raising the question of whether she was from Dorne; raising so many intriguing ideas and theories surrounding the identity itself – leading to even more potential exploration!  These were entirely unexplored.

8. Daenerys's Visions: Deeper Mysticism and the Prince Prophecy!

Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) with baby Drogon in Game of Thrones season 1, episode 10, and surrounded by fire in season 6, episode 4 Image

Game of Thrones changed the House of the Undying plot. It gets significantly improved in the books where Dany’s quest towards the unknown actually focuses on her attempts to actually seek and understand her own fate. Those amazing visions—she sees much more than just the Iron Throne in the books and also some specific future developments within A Song of Ice and Fire, especially those very critical prophecy hints towards the legendary "Prince That Was Promised." This got simplified drastically! This resulted in one of those more mystically intriguing scenes; made to emphasize the unique fantasy elements and hints toward larger themes within Martin’s overall design! Those critical missing details add significance.

7. Strong Belwas: A Loyal Friend Never Seen on Screen

Strong Belwas from A Song of Ice & Fire Image

Dany has various loyal supporters that gets dramatically cut down for the show, one being that extremely critical and helpful Irri who gets bumped in season 2 – a massive deviation from her overall importance in Martin's work and those parts in which the impact for her could have significantly changed multiple plot events and also that ending as well, showing just how important some details are;  others get totally removed from the narrative: one prominent character is  Strong Belwas. He’s a crucial ally in the books. The lack of emphasis for his contribution entirely shifted several actions and characters into a different light! This important fighter helped greatly in protecting Dany’s interest in several battle sequences – highlighting another important ally never presented to the audiences.

6. The Poisoned Locusts: A Murder Mystery!

Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen Image

The Meereen chapters in A Dance with Dragons were criticized! But there's this crazy cool mystery!  An attempted murder plot concerning those poisoned locusts at a banquet designed for Dany; but thankfully stopped before she has the opportunity!  This entire situation is a total mystery in the books, involving key players including those like HizdahrThe Sons of the Harpy, Daario, and Quentyn, making a compelling narrative element missing completely from the show! It leaves so much potential for further exploration that the series could've completely taken advantage of; leaving major questions about who that potential killer really could be; highlighting important ideas that were completely abandoned!

5. Young Griff: Another Targaryen Contender for the Iron Throne!

Young Griff and Jon Connington sailing in A Song of Ice and Fire book art Image

Jon Snow's Targaryen parentage hasn't appeared yet in the books; and many important characters remain almost entirely ignored and unaddressed in several major developments: a significant aspect for a pivotal change! But there’s Young Griff! He’s introduced in A Dance with Dragons ; claims to be Aegon Targaryen—Rhaegar’s son (that was previously reported to have died, so, what's up?)! And that story adds a huge complication; affecting how the plot goes. It presents Aegon’s better claim to the Iron Throne —that significantly affects Dany's arc. His attempts to conquer completely change the power dynamics; and changes the overall atmosphere. This subplot, not present, changes how you view Dany's end in those novels!

4. Quaithe’s Cryptic Prophecies: More than a Simple Cameo

Quaithe talking to Jorah in Game of Thrones Image

Remember Quaithe from Game of Thrones? That masked woman’s hints didn't become important and disappeared; she totally gets expanded in those books!  Appearing several times; further hinting that larger implications were intended; these additional interactions and developments become incredibly meaningful as she continued advising Dany —repeating key warnings. This enigmatic character, completely expanded and further elaborated creates something more mystical which were critical in developing Dany, further shaping her actions through her words and mysterious cryptic pronouncements that ultimately served to deepen the ongoing themes and mysticism and the lore; those missing details enhance that feeling for a greater unseen element entirely!

3. Quentyn Martell's Tragic Attempt: A Failed Alliance and a Fiery Death!

Art of Quentyn Martell from A Song of Ice & Fire Image

Game of Thrones’ Dorne plotline was pretty widely criticized!   They left many characters untouched,   Quentyn Martell was prominent;  and a key player in Martin's book! He tries to forge an alliance with Dany –proposing marriage – that is then replaced in the show with Ellaria Sand's power-grabbing schemes! This total departure changes how everything appears and removes important lore surrounding the Dornish influence upon Dany.  Quentyn, trying to tame a dragon and nearly succeeding before a catastrophic fiery injury results in a dramatic ending to an otherwise insignificant character; this was lost; showcasing another great potential development entirely missing!

2. Victarion Greyjoy and the Dragonhorn: Another Dragon Rider!

Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) and Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright) in Game of Thrones' series finale, with the Iron Throne in the bakground Image

Game of Thrones excludes this super critical character too: Victarion Greyjoy. He’s hugely important;  becoming part of Euron Greyjoy’s power grab! His attempted marriage proposal for Dany provides another significant event: Euron has that famous dragon horn – an attempt to control Dany’s dragons! This plotline and the resulting narrative changes affect how audiences ultimately experience Daenerys and it was largely removed – entirely changed in a later stage of the TV show, causing many problems!

1. Daenerys's Inner Circle: Different Loyalties and a Much Younger Missandei!

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Those major supporters –Jorah MormontMissandeiGrey Worm, and Barristan Selmy–were totally different in Martin’s books!  Jorah’s greyscale gets moved to Jon Connington – showing how such developments were largely unaffected! Missandei in the books is actually a young child; not an adult woman and the story never really develops that kind of romance. Grey Worm gets downplayed. And Barristan dies WAY later, showcasing how these specific points are quite dramatically shifted to completely remove much of the plot around Daenerys' supporters, making significant and lasting impact to the viewers. Those differences create interesting impacts and totally different character perspectives! These were completely re-arranged and dramatically altered.

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Conclusion: A Deeper Dive into Daenerys: From Page to Screen

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Those changes affect the very essence of the Daenerys character.  It completely altered much of those key events, shaping everything. Those mystical elements from the books—missing entirely! Those books show a deeper Daenerys; a much, much more layered individual – who goes through a unique descent into tyranny which is a fascinating part of Martin’s writing and those characters who helped shape Dany’s character arc; these got left out; which might really change opinions toward her actions!

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