
Chicago Fire Season 13: New Chief Dom Pascal Shakes Things Up

How Will the New Chief Change Chicago Fire?

A big change is coming to Chicago Fire Season 13 as Chief Boden has been promoted to Deputy Commissioner of the Chicago Fire Department, leaving his old team at Firehouse 51 to a new leader, Dom Pascal (Dermot Mulroney). While Chief Pascal is described as an experienced and likeable firefighter, there are bound to be some bumps on this transition.

Showrunner Andrea Newman teases the “different reactions” that will be coming as Pascal steps into the leadership role - and she hints at conflict. However, she does note the team at Firehouse 51, who were shaped by Chief Boden's leadership. They may take a little longer to accept their new leader. She even mentions a “major change" as those who have watched Chicago Fire know how closely-knit that Firehouse 51 team has become and the strong influence Boden's leadership has had over its long run.

Will The Chicago Fire Team Be Accepting of Chief Pascal?

Fans who love Chicago Fire have a long, deep-seated affection for Chief Boden who is often known as "The Dad of the Family." He was a strong leader and played a significant part in making Firehouse 51 such a unified group. With the change in leadership coming with the Chicago Fire season 12 finale (in Season 13), viewers will watch as Chief Boden leaves to lead the Chicago Fire Department and, in its place, a new leader. One who may not share those same characteristics - and whose experience was based on his leadership in Miami.

While Pascal has been described as being a friendly firefighter. The change might not be met with ease or even instant approval as those who are familiar with how this team works, will likely notice how the "Firehouse 51 Team" will adapt and react in the first few episodes - in this season.

How Will The Team Dynamics Shift With The Arrival Of The New Chief?

While fans may think the Chicago Fire team may move on from their former chief without any drama. That may not be the case as there's going to be some tension for those watching how the characters will be forced to work together under a new leader, especially as this is a team that has been used to having Wallace Boden Eamonn Walker as the primary leader in Firehouse 51, the home for these first responders.

There are likely to be some tense moments as some of the characters, including Christopher Herrmann and Kelly Severide - two of the more seasoned team members , who will have a tough time accepting new leadership and even question the effectiveness of the new leader. It could even create an atmosphere where Chief Pascal is tested early - possibly having a difficult moment that will put the character's experience on display - as we can anticipate a potentially dangerous event that could bring together those in Firehouse 51, showcasing a powerful and intense, adrenaline-pumping event - which might even have a scene similar to the apparent explosion.

When is the New Chief Arriving?

Fans have been left to speculate about how Season 13 of Chicago Fire is going to shape the story for the series - with those new challenges as a team faces a new Chief, one who has been assigned the position as the former Chief, Wallace Boden leaves Firehouse 51 in an effort to oversee the entire Chicago Fire Department. Season 13, began its premiere on September 25th - a continuation for the popular TV series, and one that is now in production.

While the premiere took place, and gave a chance to show how those events and narratives unfolded, viewers will want to keep up-to-date on Chief Dom Pascal - how he takes over - and the various obstacles that he'll be faced with. This new era has created a sense of "change," and for fans eager to see those stories. Fans are expecting that there could be several challenges - both physically and emotionally, for this new leader.

How Does Chief Dom Pascal Appear in Chicago Fire?

The change in leadership for Firehouse 51 has brought on Chief Dom Pascal, played by Dermot Mulroney.

Pascal has been introduced in the Chicago Fire season 13 as a new leader, a man who has served as an experienced firefighter in Miami, and brings those same talents and expertise. Viewers are given an initial sense of his persona, which includes those characteristics, but, in reality, will be tested over a long, demanding run, with each episode having new conflicts, those "high-pressure situations" that Newman has described.

Is There A New Season of Chicago Fire?

Those who are dedicated Chicago Fire fans may want to know that Season 13 has been a huge success as viewers are introduced to an array of intriguing characters, but they have also watched the series face numerous changes.

Even with a new Chief (in this new Chicago Fire season 13 ), who was initially introduced and featured in its initial, debut episode, this new season promises a slew of exciting twists - those "unforeseen" situations and moments, which will also have those fans wanting to explore, including, how Chief Boden's return to a recurring role might affect this season, with viewers being brought into those storylines that may be more powerful and even emotionally-driven than what had been seen in earlier episodes. There has not been any word on whether or not a Chicago Fire season 14 is in production or being planned.

What Role Does The Former Chief Have in Chicago Fire?

Those who know the Firehouse 51 team know they have a bond that will continue through its most recent shift, however, as a leader, Chief Boden remains an integral figure in Chicago Fire Season 13.

It was initially announced that the show's former chief would be stepping away to take on a bigger role in the Chicago Fire Department as the Deputy Commissioner, it is considered a significant advancement for his character - however, those who enjoy Chicago Fire, as well as its many characters and the relationships that appear in each episode, may not be able to see him go completely.

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