American Rust is a crime thriller centered on Del Harris, the head of police in a Pennsylvanian tiny Rust Belt town. Though he's a decent man, Del is also profoundly defective and tormented by his history. Though he is always pulled between his obligation and his allegiance to those he loves, he is doing his best to guard the residents of his village. Del discovers he is in the middle of a web of lies and secrets when a murder case surfaces and he has to face the sinister side of his town to uncover the truth.
After just one season, Showtime originally decided to cancel American Rust. Although there was no official explanation offered, low viewership and budgetary issues most certainly had a role. Later rescue for the show came from Prime Video, which ran a second season. Sadly, Prime Video has now canceled American Rust once more.
Jeff Daniels, Maura Tierney, David Alvarez, Alex Neustaedter, Julie Mayorga, Mark Pellegrino, Rob Yang, Kyle Beltran are among the brilliant actors in American Rust. Jeff Daniels is Del Harris, the head of police in front of us. Playing Del's boyhood sweetheart, Maura Tierney is now the mother of the murder suspect.
American Rust season 2 closed on a cliffhanger with Del apparently being shot and killed. Among the fresh cast members for the season were Luna Lauren Velez, Marc Menchaca, Nick Sandow, Britian Seibert, Christopher Denham, Amelia Workman, Leon Addison Brown, and Sara Lindsey. The season examined the intricate interactions among the individuals and their dark secrets they are keeping.
Unfortunately, not. American Rust has formally been canceled by Prime Video, hence season 3 won't be produced. Though it's unfortunate, the episode truly left us hanging with many unanswered concerns regarding what happened to Del and the other characters.
Since American Rust concluded, Jeff Daniels and Maura Tierney have been occupied working on new projects. On the forthcoming Law & Order season, Tierney is now a regular. Daniels meanwhile starred in a six-episode Netflix drama called A Man in Full.