A new Thriller TV Show based on James Patterson's beloved Alex Cross Book Series has landed on Prime Video, with the main role of Alex Cross Character going to actor Aldis Hodge. Here are details you might want to know!
Alex Cross TV Series focuses on the Alex Cross, who, like the books, works as a psychologist for forensics. Aldis Hodge Alex Cross has to confront his greatest fear in the first season when he's forced to confront his own history and grief, leading to a thrilling storyline and his fight to take down a cunning killer.
While the show is inspired by James Patterson Alex Cross, Cross Season 1 is not a direct adaptation of one of the Alex Cross Books. This show will explore the rich universe of James Patterson, and offer unique insights into the character!
You will find the show exclusively on Prime Video. Keep in mind you might want to sign up for the service!
You're likely to want to catch up! Alex Cross was portrayed on the big screen in both "Kiss the Girls", and "Along Came a Spider." It has been more than twenty years since those two movies starring Morgan Freeman Alex Cross. Tyler Perry also portrayed the character in the Alex Cross Movie from 2012.
No! This is an entirely original story that draws from the main elements of Alex Cross' world. As the actor, Aldis Hodge revealed in an interview, the show will incorporate stories about Alex and the other Cross TV Series characters, and the wider context in the franchise. Be sure to check out the Alex Cross, who might make a great subject for Doctor Who fanart too.
Mark your calendars! Cross Season 1 on Prime Video premiers November 14, 2024, so be sure to watch this Thriller TV Series! Keep your eye on streaming services and any news to watch out for the premiere.