New Variant Cover Teases His Rise: Black Adam Returns with a Power Upgrade in "DC vs. Vampires: World War V!"
Rising from the dead, Black Adam is more potent than ever! A rebuilt Black Adam with a significant power enhancement shows on a new variant cover for "DC vs. Vampires: World War V". Find out how he might have survived Starfire's Starbolt and what his comeback implies for the vampire hierarchy in this exciting sequel.
Marvel's Ultimates gives Wasp a brutal power upgrade, but it comes at a cost.
Marvel's "The Ultimates" offers a startling power increase for founding Avenger The Wasp with bloody results. Discover how Janet Van Dyne's newfound abilities alter her position on this Ultimate Earth and how her deeds mirror those of her original Ultimate counterpart.
Marvel creates Great Man Hulk-Level Strong in The Ultimates #1: New Power Enhancement!.
Prepare for a power update of grand scale! Marvel's "The Ultimates #1" gives Giant Man a big boost, equating him with the Hulk. Find the fresh size restrictions, his amazing achievements, and how this affects Avengers' future.
Dark Matter Episode 7 Notes More Blake Crouch Adaptations On Apple TV+
A clever Easter egg in "Dark Matter" episode 7 implies that Apple TV+ may not be the only place Blake Crouch's work finds adaptation. Learn about potential forthcoming adaptations of "Summer Frost" and "Upgrade."