Rooster Fighter X
Rooster Fighter Anime: Release Date, Plot, and Everything We Know
Rooster Fighter is getting an anime adaptation! Get the scoop on the release date, plot, and everything else we know about this hilarious action-comedy series.
Miles Teller's Real-Life Dance Moves Are Just As Good As Rooster's in Top Gun: Maverick
Miles Teller's dance moves in 'Top Gun: Maverick' are as good as his character, Rooster. See why his wife loves his silly moves and why we're hoping he'll be back for Top Gun 3!
Top Gun 3: Maverick and Rooster's Shared Past Could Be The Sequel's Best Story
Top Gun: Maverick missed a chance to explore a key similarity between Maverick and Rooster, their shared fatherly legacy, and Top Gun 3 can use this to forge a stronger connection between the characters and maybe even set up Rooster to replace Maverick.