Star Wars Retcons: Plot Holes, Canon Explained & Fan Theories - Laugh Through the Galaxy's Continuity Chaos
Explore the wild world of Star Wars retcons! We're diving deep into Star Wars continuity issues, from Obi-Wan Kenobi's memory to Darth Maul's improbable return, including Clone Wars retcons, Star Wars Legends impact and how fan theories are affected. Is Palpatine's return a stroke of genius or a bizarre misstep? Let's unpack it all with a healthy dose of humor!
Is There A New Monsterverse Movie Coming After King of the Monsters?
We dive deep into the 'King of the Monsters' retcons and the potential for future Monsterverse movies! New monsters, new stories, and epic battles await. Find out where you can watch 'King of the Monsters' and get ready for more!