Star Trek's Council of Gods: A Who's Who of Powerful Beings
Star Trek just revealed the Pleroma, a council of gods from across the franchise's history! Find out who's on this powerful group and what they're facing in the latest comic.
Star Trek Just Revealed Its Most Powerful Species - But Why Are They Feared?
Hold on to your tribbles! Star Trek just hinted that the Bajoran Prophets are even more powerful than we thought. Find out why the other gods are wary of them and what it means for the future of the galaxy!
Tholian Lore Deepens: Are They Connected To The Gods In Star Trek?
Tholians, those enigmatic and powerful aliens, are linked to the gods in Star Trek #21! Find out how their connection to the Pleroma changes their lore and what it means for the future.
Star Trek reveals the pleroma—the realm of the gods.
Finally revealed in the most recent IDW "Star Trek" issue is the amazing planet Pleroma, home of the gods from the Star Trek world. Hinted at for months, this mind-bending world is finally accessible to Sisko and the Theseus crew, exposing the homes of legendary gods such the Guardian of Forever and the Caretaker. Find the secrets of the pleroma and how they affect the Star Trek world.
Star Trek reveals the pleroma, realm of the gods: houses of guardian of forever and more.
The Pleroma—the world of gods in IDW's Star Trek comic—showcases homes for Guardian of Forever, Caretaker, and more in Star Trek #20. Examine the dreamlike environment of the Pleroma and how it affects the Star Trek world.