Isekai Anime
Solo Leveling: Isekai or NOT? Genre Debate EXPLODED! Anime Tropes, Power Levels & Dungeon Crawls!
Is Solo Leveling an isekai anime? We analyze the genre, comparing Solo Leveling's tropes (dungeons, leveling up, power rankings) against classic isekai structures. We explore its initial originality vs. later reliance on common tropes. Is the hype justified? Find out! #SoloLeveling #Isekai #Anime #Fantasy #DungeonCrawler #AnimeReview
Suicide Squad Isekai Webtoon: Harley Quinn & Joker's Isekai Adventure!
Get ready for a wild ride! Suicide Squad Isekai is getting a webtoon adaptation, bringing Harley Quinn & The Joker to a new world. Check out the release date, where to read it & more!
Suicide Squad Isekai: Why Does the Joker STILL Steal the Show?
Is the Joker's shadow too long in Suicide Squad Isekai? Harley Quinn, Ratcatcher, and the rest of the team struggle to shine under the Joker's influence, even when he's not present! We explore the show's strengths and weaknesses, and why a more balanced approach is needed.
Suicide Squad Isekai: Why Joker Was Left Out & Why It's Better For The Anime
Find out why Joker's absence from Suicide Squad Isekai is a blessing in disguise, allowing the anime to focus on the team's unique dynamics and storytelling. Learn how director Eri Osada crafted a compelling narrative without relying on the Joker's popularity.
Enchantress Finally Gets Her Due in Suicide Squad Isekai Anime: A Big Improvement Over the 2016 Movie
Suicide Squad Isekai is finally giving Enchantress the spotlight she deserves! This new anime adaptation of the DC Comics characters has fixed the shortcomings of the 2016 film, making Enchantress a truly menacing and powerful villain. See how she's turned into a threat that will make the Suicide Squad work hard to defeat her.
Suicide Squad Isekai Review: DC Villains Dominate The Fantasy Realm
DC's Suicide Squad gets a wild new adventure in 'Suicide Squad Isekai,' a surprising anime series that combines classic villains with magical powers and a fantasy world. Check out our review of episodes 1-3.
This Isekai Showed Shonen Heroes How To Dream: 'As a Reincarnated Aristocrat' Review
Forget the usual shonen hero tropes! 'As a Reincarnated Aristocrat' takes a unique approach to ambition and shows how true leadership emerges. See why this isekai is a must-watch!
Suicide Squad Isekai: The Best & Worst Things That Could Happen To DC's Villains
Is Suicide Squad Isekai the perfect blend of DC's villains and isekai tropes? Find out how the power-ups and neck bombs translate to a new world! It's not all sunshine and rainbows, folks.
Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Ending: Rudy's Family Grows, But What About Eris?
The Jobless Reincarnation season 2 finale brings joy and heartbreak as Rudy's family expands. But Eris reappears, promising exciting developments in season 3! Find out what happens in this emotional conclusion.
Re:ZERO Season 3 Release Date: When Subaru Returns in 2024!
Get ready for the long-awaited return of Re:ZERO - Starting Life in Another World! Season 3 is finally coming in October 2024 with a special 90-minute premiere episode in theaters. Find out everything you need to know about the upcoming season here!
Chillin' in Another World Gets a Hilarious Twist That's Straight Out of Level 1 Demon Lord!
Crunchyroll's isekai hit, 'Chillin' in Another World', just got a whole lot funnier with a plot twist that's basically a whole other show! Find out why this new development is both hilarious and surprisingly effective.
A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics Finale: A Bizarrely Normal Ending?
The season finale of A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics ties everything together in a surprisingly normal way. But, did the series neglect its own isekai twist? Find out!
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 13: Festivities and Ramiris!
Get ready for a grand festival in Tempest! Rimuru's big plans are coming to fruition in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 3 episode 13, with a special guest appearance from Demon Lord Ramiris. Find out when the episode drops and what to expect from this exciting event.
A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics: Is Isekai Just Livia's Bad Luck?
Livia's life in 'A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics' is a roller coaster of frauds, cults, and pachinko! But is this isekai just a bad run of luck, or does Livia's tragedy have a deeper meaning? Find out on Crunchyroll!.
Inspired by Leadale, the tragic tale The New Gate Anime is more than just a SAO Successor.
Though "The New Gate" might have a concept in line with "Sword Art Online," its most recent episodes featuring tragic individuals draw on "In The Land of Leadale." Discover the bittersweet reunions and poignant goodbyes and how this anime has a special emotional dimension.