Godzilla: Heist Comic - Atomic Breath & Audacious Heists!
IDW Publishing unleashes a Kaiju-sized crime thriller: Godzilla: Heist! Get ready for atomic-breath-fueled heists and a perfect crime masked by ultimate chaos.
IDW Dark Comics: Horror Movie Adaptations Announced at NYCC!
IDW Publishing unleashes IDW Dark, a terrifying new line of horror comics based on iconic films like *A Quiet Place*, *Event Horizon*, and more!
IDW Dark: Iconic Horror Movies Reimagined in Comics!
Get ready for a fright fest! IDW Publishing unleashes its new horror imprint, IDW Dark, featuring comic adaptations of iconic horror movies like A Quiet Place, Event Horizon, and more!
Sonic's New Villains Are Turning Good Too Quickly: Why Surge and Kit Need More Villain Time
Sonic the Hedgehog's latest issue throws a curveball by hinting that Surge and Kit might be on the path to redemption, but are these villains turning good too soon? Find out why they need more time as baddies!
Sonic & Eggman Team Up: How A Stupid Race Saved the Comic
Sonic the Hedgehog #69 flips the script on a tired comic trope - racing! Find out how a seemingly pointless race leads to an unlikely alliance and a huge conspiracy.
Ninja Turtles Comic Breaks Records: TMNT #1 Sells Over 300K!
Get ready for shell-shocking sales! The new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic has smashed records, selling over 300,000 copies before even hitting shelves. Find out why TMNT #1 is the hottest comic of the year!
Sons of Star Trek reveals the Post-Dominion War Fate of Nog.
Revealed in "Sons of Star Trek #3" is Nog, a Star Trek hero, who had a sad ending following the Dominion War. Find out his new project and how his military experience still haunles him.
The Summer of Turtles Has Begun: TMNT Relaunch Starts with New Issue.
Officially starting "The Summer of Turtles," writer Jason Aaron marks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles into a new era. View the first episode of the revived series and see why TMNT aficioners should definitely check out this reboot.
Steve Niles' New Comic Brynmore investigates dark secrets and family trauma.
Returning to IDW with Brynmore, a disturbing comic about generational grief and an enigmatic island, horror maestro Steve Niles Discover why this comic is likely to be a smash with horror buffs by reading our analysis of the first issue.
Star Trek reveals the pleroma—the realm of the gods.
Finally revealed in the most recent IDW "Star Trek" issue is the amazing planet Pleroma, home of the gods from the Star Trek world. Hinted at for months, this mind-bending world is finally accessible to Sisko and the Theseus crew, exposing the homes of legendary gods such the Guardian of Forever and the Caretaker. Find the secrets of the pleroma and how they affect the Star Trek world.
Star Trek reveals the pleroma, realm of the gods: houses of guardian of forever and more.
The Pleroma—the world of gods in IDW's Star Trek comic—showcases homes for Guardian of Forever, Caretaker, and more in Star Trek #20. Examine the dreamlike environment of the Pleroma and how it affects the Star Trek world.