Jackpot! Movie: John Cena and Awkwafina in Action Comedy
Jackpot! is an action comedy starring John Cena and Awkwafina. This new movie features a deadly lottery twist in a near-future Los Angeles. Stream it now on Prime Video!
Awkwafina's Kung Fu Panda 4 Character Explained: Will She Be Back?
Awkwafina plays a key role as Zhen, a corsac fox thief, in Kung Fu Panda 4. Find out if she's destined to become the new Dragon Warrior and return in a potential sequel!
'Zhen' from Kung Fu Panda 4: Behind-the-Scene Clip by Awkwafina
With this rare behind-the-scenes clip, Awkwafina helped Zhen to come alive in Kung Fu Panda 4. Find out why this essential character is a fantastic addition to the show and how much effort went into developing her.