John Stamos sings in a new spoof music video about an apocalypse brought on by renowned candymaker Willy Wonka. Based on Roald Dahl's 1964 book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the character has been seen in a number of movies The most recent representation of the creator is the prequel musical Wonka, with Timothée Chalamet as the chocolatier. Though he never starred in a Willy Wonka film, Stamos is most known for playing Jesse on Full House.
Max's Wonka is on view. Just released on the YouTube account Willy's Candy Spectacular is an odd Wonka-themed music video with Stamos singing about the catastrophe Willy Wonka sparked.
Though the Stamos video uses a different title, the music video is inspired by a real-life display called the Willy Wonka Experience in Glasgow. Designed for this winter, the event was staged without Warner Bros.' permission, and many of the elements felt awkward as one would expect from an illegal production. The ramshack event seemed to be done carelessly, with visual effects not nearly fulfilling the promise and Wonka seeming like something from a horror movie.
Glasgow's "Willy Wonka Experience" so was quickly closed. Parents who expected significantly more from the encounter were unhappy and children were scared by the claimed immersive experience. Though it closed, the "Willy Wonka Experience" became well-known on the internet. Several participants in the failed event related their dream stories of being duped into believing the event was something far different than what it proved to be.
Based on Roald Dahl's 1964 book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the character has been seen in a number of movies The most recent representation of the creator is the prequel musical Wonka, with Timothée Chalamet as the chocolatier. Though he never starred in a Willy Wonka film, Stamos is most known for playing Jesse on Full House.
Max's Wonka is on view. Just released on the YouTube account Willy's Candy Spectacular is an odd Wonka-themed music video with Stamos singing about the catastrophe Willy Wonka sparked.
Singing about "an immersive treat that was meant to be sweet," Stamos is shown in the video sporting a suit and rose-tinted sunglasses, so sparking the apocalypse. According to the song, Willy Wonka brought about the apocalypse, not Trump or Putin. One odd picture shown graphically is Stamos's tongue stretching to a large lollipop.
Since then, several creative projects about the Willy Wonka Experience have come out. Given the awful nature of the original product, a horror film based on the event shouldn't be too difficult to produce. Additionally revealed was Willy's Candy Spectacular: A Parody Musical. The Stamos video appears to be the first number from that musical; if this is any guide of what the whole thing is like, it will be an exciting trip.
Though the Stamos video uses a different title, the music video is inspired by a real-life display called the Willy Wonka Experience in Glasgow. Designed for this winter, the event was staged without Warner Bros.' permission, and many of the elements felt awkward as one would expect from an illegal production. The ramshack event seemed to be done carelessly, with visual effects not nearly fulfilling the promise and Wonka seeming like something from a horror movie.
Glasgow's "Willy Wonka Experience" so was quickly closed. Parents who expected significantly more from the encounter were unhappy and children were scared by the claimed immersive experience. Though it closed, the "Willy Wonka Experience" became well-known on the internet. Several participants in the failed event related their dream stories of being duped into believing the event was something far different than what it proved to be.
Willys Candy Spectacle/YouTube