The Uglies movie adaptation from Netflix presents a very different outcome for Peris. While he ultimately ends up as a Special after being transformed, there are changes to his overall character arc, especially as he falls into the fog at the movie's conclusion. Those familiar with the Uglies novels will recall how those characters like Tally Youngblood (as well as other characters such as Peris or those characters that play an influential role - David) and how they find love in this world that seems almost sterile and almost void of freedom. The movie takes an innovative route by highlighting how Peris changes in the movie version.
Although Uglies director McG, addresses this and discusses how he was not sure if Peris had died, but in this ambiguous state he is open to the interpretation from fans. Some will likely interpret the ending in this way, that Peris might survive - leaving those following the movie with many questions regarding how Peris could be a force for good. Others, will likely see his death as a final, heartbreaking moment.
The Netflix adaptation of Uglies did take on many elements of Scott Westerfeld's novel - particularly when exploring a dystopian world centered around a society that makes a crucial, and somewhat violent, change by transforming individuals after reaching their teenage years, which is how the system transforms them as a "Pretty", the age they'll undergo Uglies' standard surgery to conform to beauty standards. However, a great deal of its narrative and events diverge from those key themes as well as how those main events unfolded for Tally Youngblood and those she had contact with.
The film takes on a few different themes with Peris, the character that plays such an important part in Uglies' storyline. Peris' story makes a huge transformation - he ultimately takes on the role of a Special, who is a member of the authority's enforcers who were programmed to "eliminate" anyone who was considered to be against the system, making his overall character arc completely different, but with a bit of an emotional twist.
Although there is no official confirmation regarding Peris, - those who follow Uglies' series have made several interpretations regarding whether the character actually died in this Netflix adaptation.
This could lead to an ongoing debate - in essence a crucial and controversial subject that fans and those who enjoyed the book might discuss: how those main themes and moments, often serve to create compelling narrative elements that will leave a lot to speculate over. Peris’ death could be considered a form of symbolic demise that emphasizes a central concept around the events and his ability to reject his programming that has, to an extent, influenced those who follow his story. His love for Tally Youngblood and the fight to defy the "system" of control in his world (Uglies’ standard surgery, and what it means for an individual) could represent an enormous, and meaningful shift in his overall character arc.
When making a comparison between the book and the Netflix adaptation of Uglies there are some very specific elements - namely Uglies' story, which includes the character of Peris who underwent some intense changes.
The original ending of the Uglies book serves as a backdrop - highlighting Tally Youngblood’s struggle and her ability to stand against a "system," that attempts to force control and manipulate a citizen’s life, an essential moment of the book. Those who read Scott Westerfeld’s novel may have a strong opinion as to how well the film portrays these events - making for a complex conversation, even more so with how Peris ' journey was so deeply changed in the Netflix movie.
Although Uglies’ characters are introduced to a compelling and, to an extent, dystopian world, it is often thought of as one that has very specific storylines. This was reflected by those who loved the novel and have since watched its adaptation by Netflix - but as is often the case with a shift from book to movie - it doesn't always follow those storylines, giving audiences a chance to understand how the author and, in this case, the director and producer made some adjustments, particularly in regard to Peris' fate and his overall overall character arc.
While the director for Uglies (Uglies director McG) states that his interpretation of Peris' fate was meant to keep viewers thinking about just what kind of person he had become. His choices throughout the story made it impossible for those in the audience to decide whether Peris was good or bad. Those following the storyline of the novel may wonder if Peris will ever be given the opportunity to be fully actualized or if, instead, those in the Uglies story will only get glimpses into what could have been if he hadn't been transformed. In many ways, it highlights just how the "system" - the same one Uglies’ characters have been struggling with - might lead to Uglies’ story continue on.
As many who have enjoyed both the novel and its adaptation may discover. The Netflix Uglies movie presents some notable variations from the book, especially in the case of Peris' fate, while those who loved the book - might wonder just what the motivations might have been for the director - (Uglies director McG) to make these decisions. The author, Scott Westerfeld, in many cases would often refer to his storyline and those events - how the Pretties novel was a crucial continuation to those in the Uglies novel.
McG's choice for Peris as a key figure (particularly after he was transformed into a Special), made an impression - even as it challenged the traditional arc as well as his interactions with Tally, with those changes that impacted his overall character arc - it added an element of surprise, giving audiences a fresh look at this world.