The Substance Movie

The Substance is a chilling science fiction horror movie with a focus on body horror that stars Demi Moore and is directed by Coralie Fargeat, the talented director of "Revenge." The story revolves around an aerobics star who faces age-related challenges and is offered a mysterious substance that promises a youthful return. But this choice comes with dark, unsettling consequences, pushing her into a realm of unsettling transformation and discovery.

The Substance Cast

The cast features a talented group including Demi Moore, as well as Donal Logue, Katie Aselton, Elliot Page, and Margaret Qualley. These actors, each known for their powerful performances, bring their unique talents to the body horror story, adding further intrigue to this dark and twisted journey.

The Substance Plot

While the trailer gives a glimpse into the premise, a group of people are shown facing a mysterious substance. They will uncover a disturbing reality as they explore its true nature and the consequences that follow.

The Substance Reviews

The Substance, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, has already garnered a significant response. Early reviews have given The Substance a positive score of 90% on Rotten Tomatoes. It appears that this disturbing horror movie has captivated those who have seen it and earned high praise for its thrilling, shocking and unexpected approach.

The Substance Streaming

While there has been no announcement yet, The Substance may soon be available for streaming. Given the film’s positive reviews and its high-profile cast, it is possible the movie will be available through major streaming services, making it easily accessible to audiences around the world. Keep a lookout for further announcements and updates.

The Substance Release Date

The release date for The Substance is yet to be revealed, but fans eagerly await the premiere. Stay tuned for the official release schedule.