Announcing a 50-film Minions cinematic universe following the events of Despicable Me 4, Steve Carell has mercilessly insulted Marvel and Disney. Mega Minions—a squad of Minions with superpowers akin to those featured in Marvel or DC comics—will first be introduced in the next animated comedy Their performances in the forthcoming Despicable Me 4 mock the superhero subgenre, therefore providing a fresh element of fun to the movie as they learn to wield their acquired abilities.
Recently, Illumination posted a video with Carell announcing a 50-film cinematic universe set following the events of Despicable Me 4. The character in the video says that 50 new films scheduled to be produced "on an irregular basis" over the next 100 years point to a Mega Minions cinematic universe on route., a website with an interactive chronology of 50 movies with names and brief explanations to go with the funny teaser, is one of this parodies of Disney's Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The website claims that among the 50 films arriving in the Mega Minions cinematic universe are anything from musicals like Mega Minions: Symphony of Sabotage to others like Mega Minions: The Tax Write Off. Some of the titles, including Mega Minions: Quantum of Soulless, an homage to James Bond's Quantum of Solace, include parodies of actual films. Others are also particular references to Marvel personally, Mega Minions: Gru World Order, a nod to the original Captain America: Brave New World title.
Though Carell's film is blatantly parodies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Illumination is not new in creating Despicable Me spin-offs for the popular henchmen of the movie. Two Minions films have already been made; the most recent one, The Rise of Gru, will hit 2022. They have also been well-liked; the most recent film gross $940.7 million against a $100 million production. Depending on the reception for the forthcoming film, and especially the Mega Minions idea, it wouldn't be shocking if they really did resurface in a spinoff movie.
Returning in Despicable Me 4, the fourth installment in the long-running Illumination Entertainment film series, Gru is the infamous—and sympathetic—not-super villain. Gru's wife, Lucy, played once more by Kristin Wiig, also makes a comeback in the fourth movie, introducing their son.
With previous movies grossing more than $3.7 billion in ticket sales, the picture boasts a huge global audience. The film's great characters and clever comedy have also drawn compliments. Fans of this series are much expected the next funny adventure from the Despicable Me team.
Regarding a more expansive cinematic world, it seems doubtful the Mega Minions will have scores of feature releases in the future. Although they could return at some time following their debut in the Despicable Me 4 ensemble, most likely it would be for a spinoff with more of an emphasis on spotlighting a fresh adventure with their skills. Still, there is actual possibility for their comeback—even if it doesn't manifest itself as a 50-movie journey.
On July 3, 2024 Despicable Me 4 opens in theaters.