Movies News Talk

Palpatine's Legacy: Coruscant's Dark Secret and the New Republic's Downfall

Palpatine's "Daughter" Exposes a Fatal Flaw in the New Republic's Coruscant Gamble!

Rey Wasn't the Only Palpatine Secret: The Coruscant Elite's Dark Underbelly

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker shocked everyone by revealing Rey was Palpatine's granddaughter, although that familial relationship wasn't exactly standard; Rey was from one of many clones that ultimately failed to produce someone worthy to become Palpatine's heir! It also reveals a much more troubling issue however: this event and others reveal that even the seeming end of a character isn’t really the actual end, that even such a massively hated and despised leader had various other links throughout various other places, even in this newly forming Republic that sought to re-establish order within a Galaxy reeling from the loss of that previous administration.

This isn’t merely related to the events involving Rey, a major figure from the sequel trilogy. There were those other hidden dangers that came from elsewhere. We discover through a deep cut that impacts and influences this era in shocking ways, specifically through a mention in Chris Kempshall’s book The Rise & Fall of the Galactic Empire. It reveals a seriously dark undercurrent; even after the apparent end to that reign of terror, This character's existence brings into question the decision-making process by this New Republic's leading members.

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Lady Pallopides: A Legends Character's Shadowy Influence

Star Wars Elia Kane and Palpatine Image

Post-Return of the Jedi, a Coruscant socialite Lady Ederlatth Nataasias Pallopides publicly claimed to be Palpatine's daughter. That’s insane! The fact is mentioned briefly in Kempshall's book, although, a much greater description could exist from elsewhere. The thing is – there’s absolutely no proof.  It raises immense questions, emphasizing just why the Republic could even permit such dangerous behavior! The fact remains:  It would totally shock some people.

Why does this matter?  Lady Pallopides’s presence becomes deeply concerning because we realize she remained highly active during the Mandalorian era. That is also the time the Imperial Remnant returned (remember Grand Admiral Thrawn?). It wasn’t only the new, forming Republic claiming Coruscant as its capital during this period – there were many other dangerous entities operating across Coruscant. Remember the many spies like Elia KaneLady Pallopides' potential is significant; perhaps a deeply embedded element designed to destabilize this newly formed structure.

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Imperial Loyalists on Coruscant: A Deep-Rooted Problem

The New Republic building on Coruscant in Ahsoka season 1 episode 7 Image

Lady Pallopides' claims highlight this really unsettling detail: how deep that imperial influence and loyalty could reach. The celebration surrounding Palpatine’s demise is noted (George Lucas Special Editions), that public demonstration might be an obvious exaggeration considering much of what Coruscant’s population would really think of the former administration; thus the actual sentiment among citizens could be deeply hidden and suppressed under this false public facade, despite appearances and attempts to suggest the exact opposite.    Coruscant remained firmly under Imperial control for well over a year even after the major battle. And how does this make Lady Pallopides so significant? It implies Coruscant's elite actually harbored support and were openly hoping the Empire might just return. These are serious risks. It also presents another layer; a deeper ideology still influencing these highly-placed citizens.

Remember Ahsoka? That shows Imperial loyalists on the Core Worlds, some spies working for that shady Imperial Shadow Council remaining on Coruscant. We already have the possibility for a network existing already—the perfect ground for dangerous partnerships! Why did the New Republic ignore this? Possibly focusing entirely on rebuilding after the war; this also shows that immediate priorities were necessary yet could have enormous negative long-term consequences that they may only realize way, way later after all these seemingly irrelevant characters are already acting.

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The New Republic’s Costly Choice: Coruscant as Capital

We all know the New Republic didn’t last on Coruscant. They moved to Hosnian Prime (which exploded!) and the reason’s always been speculated. The assumption is the Empire (possibly Thrawn!) attacked; however those implications surrounding the mention of Lady Pallopides raise an interesting alternative and potentially more troubling possibility that there might be greater underlying issues.

The fact that they had centered their whole government in this environment implies that the New Republic might just recognize those significant dangers; thus relocating to avoid an expected counter-attack involving not only some potential attacks on their capital location but also potentially targeting many of its citizens; emphasizing that Coruscant’s high society benefited immensely under Palpatine's rule; leading to loyalty based upon power instead of the kind of justice needed within the new forming republic!  Their immense presence in politics, economy and general society adds great potential to greatly undermine those established policies within this new governing structure. Perhaps that's precisely why Grand Admiral Thrawn might focus on Coruscant – he needs those allies.

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Conclusion: The Empire's Shadow on Coruscant, Even After Palpatine's Demise

Palpatine's death wasn’t really an end, it seems! Even the supposed removal from his reign is just not as much an impact as people previously thought it would become. Lady Pallopides' existence proves how powerful those Imperial loyalists could have become even amidst those supposed celebrations which showed their joy towards the departure of such a terrifying leader; that supposed “rebuilding” by the new administration might never really happen!  Coruscant’s apparent lack of strong resistance means it continued under that toxic environment!  Even now, it leaves questions unanswered. The presence of these hidden supporters could lead to many more interesting future plot points; that whole structure established even from Episode I: The Phantom Menace might really imply just how much a dark shadow existed, Coruscant’s darkness lingered well after Palpatine's death!

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