Movies News Talk

Mel Gibson's Big Movie Comeback: Is 'Lethal Weapon 5' and 'The Passion of the Christ 2' Really Happening?

Will Mel Gibson’s Latest Films Be Released Soon?

The recent announcements – have had many movie goers and fans eagerly anticipating - for those films ( Lethal Weapon - an iconic series that’s brought together some of those action filled moments - Lethal Weapon franchise a series that’s gained a tremendous amount of recognition - and The Passion of The Christ (that was a story that took audiences to a place of reflection and exploration of those powerful thematic stories that’s centered on themes of faith and resilience, its a movie that’s brought out some very intriguing and emotional reactions. Its a film that’s become part of that universe and captured the imagination of audiences), is it possible for Mel Gibson – an individual who’s directed those movies – (those who are fans of his movies will know his style, those stories about a man trying to escape - to tell his story and explore what lies beyond the boundaries of those stories) (those fans will also understand the impact of his past controversial comments – those moments that have made him a figure of both intrigue and concern), can those films come to the screen or is it just a dream?

Is It Possible For These Films To Come Out Any Time Soon?

passion-of-the-christ-movies-controversies-explained Image

With the news circulating – that the Oscar-winning Mel Gibson director has confirmed his plans to remake those films. And, its also known that there’s been a great deal of discussion regarding what will come out of these stories and its a big question, what will come out of those conversations. Will they be able to put those pieces together. Those who enjoy crime films ( Lethal Weapon) or those who follow those religious film’s - (The Passion of the Christ ), the answer is still up in the air - it seems like there are some big hurdles.

Are There Challenges Getting These Films Made?

Agent Petrovick (Mel Gibson) looking stern in Boneyard. Image

The film Lethal Weapon is a series that’s very much known – and its well known with audiences who are looking forward to seeing a movie, that takes viewers on that thrilling ride and that’s why there is an expectation for the series – to return to the screens. Those fans who enjoy that series – they’ll also be aware, its not just Mel Gibson who has played that iconic role of Martin Riggs - alongside, with the well-known Danny Glover - who's played that role of Roger Murtaugh (it shows, how those characters come together – as that’s something that makes these films so successful, but those who follow those films – will also know how challenging it can be to get those stars together). Mel Gibson a director who’s been able to capture that Lethal Weapon series - those films have captured audiences attention - a big reason - the director has a vision. The chemistry that he shares with Danny Glover - a Danny Glover . They’re a duo who’ve brought audiences that combination of those action moments, humor and wit.

Is Lethal Weapon 5 A Sure Thing?


There are still, many things that could go wrong. It seems like that Lethal Weapon franchise - a film that was a hit back in the late 80s and 90s - and brought a different perspective to the action film ( a series that’s gone on to capture a very large audience) those who follow those films may wonder whether they'll get to see those dynamic duo’s back together on the screen again – but there’s been some questions surrounding what that next movie will be about, that also includes whether the characters. Will they come back as those same characters with all their quirks and personality - it’s possible to see, a continuation of those stories.

The Lethal Weapon 5 series, a series that’s brought in its share of action and excitement – it will be interesting to see if that movie ever happens - its also one of those projects. Those fans may be hoping for it.

Is The Passion Of The Christ 2 More Likely To Be Made?

The Passion of the Christ Resurrection - Chapter 1 (2025) Image

It might be a little bit harder to imagine those films being made. It seems like that movie The Passion Of The Christ – the film that brought out such a passionate and emotionally intense, audience reaction (one of the most controversial films in recent history – it also had those people watching - who had different perspectives on it), its an opportunity to explore – a powerful thematic story. The film’s storyline - (the storyline in those movies is also one that can really grab your attention, its those themes, those moments in life - that often make it more compelling) - those who follow Mel Gibson know he’s always looking for new ways to reimagine, to create a movie that’s uniquely his. But those who are familiar with Mel Gibson (who has been a figure of controversy – that has been part of the landscape for so long) - may also be wondering - its clear that his return to filmmaking - its something that’s a part of his life, he’s an individual who is ready to bring those unique visions and to be able to share those with a new generation. The films will have to overcome some hurdles. That includes finding a director who can capture – (and there are a few directors who can do that - there are a few individuals) those stories, to be able to tell stories that are both entertaining but also have an impact - those fans who enjoy, faith based films – its a genre, that’s come to capture a very large audience.

Are These Movies The Best Choice for Mel Gibson to Remake?

There are a few reasons why it’s a good choice – those fans who follow Mel Gibson (they’ll see how he always comes back - its something that he always does, those who love those movies), they will be waiting to see how these films turn out, its a storyline that has captivated so many viewers.

It’s a big question: if those films ( Lethal Weapon 5 and The Passion Of The Christ 2 - are the most successful movies that he’s directed). Mel Gibson has had many moments - a series of ups and downs. Those fans will be aware – he is someone who's able to bounce back, those who are watching may also be waiting to see. There are some opportunities.

Is Mel Gibson A Master Storyteller?

Its something that his fans know well, he knows what he’s doing (Mel Gibson , a director who’s able to tell a story – and one who’s capable of bringing audiences to a place where they can relate to those stories), he’s a master storyteller – those fans who love his work - they also know how those films can be so much more. Mel Gibson a director who’s proven himself to be an accomplished director and it seems, those projects may be something that is also exciting - as it means, a return for Mel Gibson, and he’s going to make a big impact.

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