Marvel's Blade: A New Vampire Hunter!

Marvel Studios is revamping the Blade movie with a Blade reboot, featuring Mahershala Ali! There's huge Blade anticipation around this superhero! Will Blade be an epic addition to the MCU?

Is There A Blade Trailer?

Even though the Blade release is a while out, a Blade concept trailer created by KH Studios shows a glimpse of how Mahershala Ali Blade could play out on screen. This Blade trailer has ignited Blade anticipation for a more realistic and action-packed vampire hunt!

What are the Plans for The MCU's Blade Movie?

Mahershala Ali is taking over Eric Brooks Blade's role in this Blade superhero movie! While Marvel Studios announced the film back in 2019, Blade production has experienced a few twists and turns, which left some people questioning if the Blade movie would actually see the light of day! Fans who grew up with the Wesley Snipes Blade might wonder, how could it even happen? It's safe to say, the movie is still planned for the MCU. Marvel Studios Blade is on the books, even though a Blade release date has yet to be set.

Can I Follow Any News Related to Blade?

The best way to learn more is to keep up with news updates, like those that will show if the Blade MCU film gets any closer to the release of a Blade trailer! There are numerous sites that cover movie and entertainment news and updates, including social media.

What Are the Origins of Blade?

Fans who love the Blade story, particularly the Blade origin story, will love the details behind Eric Brooks Blade, the Blade vampire hunter. You can follow the history and origin stories, including learning about Blade villains in Marvel Comics and how this Blade action movie came to be!

Is Blade Confirmed To Be in The MCU?

Even though it's had some delays, Blade is a major addition to the MCU! Marvel Studios confirmed a while back that it's being produced, meaning that this is one film you will not want to miss when it finally premieres.

What Are the Latest Rumors About Blade?

It looks like Blade rumors are starting to fly, with several possible dates thrown out about when Blade might premiere. However, keep an eye out for updates, particularly to get more information about the Blade cast and those who could possibly appear in the film. Who could make an amazing villain or one of the many allies in this Blade world?