The LEGO Star Wars Jabba Sail Barge (75397), a part of the LEGO Ultimate Collector Series (UCS), was released on October 6th, 2024. It featured over 3,900 pieces and, in a sense, serves as the perfect recreation of the iconic craft seen in the opening scene for "Return of the Jedi." It also featured a new set that came out on August 1, 2024, known as "Desert Skiff and Sarlacc Pit" (75396) that includes many iconic characters including Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian and Boba Fett. Together, the two sets help bring to life a popular battle scene known as the Dune Sea or The Great Pit of Carkoon from the Star Wars universe.
For those who are LEGO Star Wars fans (or Star Wars collectors) this new set has been designed to be a perfect gift - one which may even become one of those hot-ticket items, particularly for the holiday season. In addition, fans who are members of the LEGO VIP program could even pre-order the set starting on October 3rd, making the LEGO Star Wars release date for VIP members an even earlier release than those fans who may be eager to wait.
Those who are looking to buy this massive new set, those seeking to acquire an expensive, but very complex set of pieces - might want to first review those opinions and overall reactions from other LEGO Star Wars fans.
This is one of the LEGO Ultimate Collector Series (UCS) sets - known for having an extraordinary price (as this set has an RRP of $499.99). In this sense, those who are seeking out a perfect set, to become part of a collection. However, some have argued it might be worth waiting for a potential LEGO Star Wars sale, since those sets may often drop their price, allowing fans a more affordable way to acquire the set - or if you happen to be a LEGO VIP member. These fans will often have early access to deals as they seek out new sets.
The new Jabba’s Sail Barge set (known as 75397) has become a hot item for LEGO Star Wars fans. A truly expansive model for the iconic craft. It's known to be a significant piece - as one of the most impressive, as it features nearly 4,000 pieces.
This set is a must-have, especially for those who enjoy making their own, personal LEGO Star Wars collection, as it is inspired by the movie "Return of the Jedi" and will capture those memories of this scene - featuring the Jabba Sail Barge - where Han Solo is captured in the Great Pit of Carkoon. This iconic craft was used in the "Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi" and those who are big fans of the Star Wars Saga. A special bonus comes with the extra brick to celebrate 25 years of the LEGO Star Wars line.
Fans of the LEGO Star Wars set will notice an array of LEGO minifigures included as part of the new set - making a recreation of those famous scenes come to life.
This set is made to be one of the more notable - it includes a selection of the most recognizable and interesting characters from "Return of the Jedi," with many of them taking on prominent roles. The minifigures include: Jabba the Hutt - who takes a central role, along with Bib Fortuna, C-3PO, Max Rebo, Kithaba, Vizam, Wooof, as well as those members of the Gamorrean Guard and a very distinct Salacious Crumb, as well as the R2-D2 , with a drink table. These give fans a chance to recreate their favorite Star Wars scenes - including an assortment of Star Wars minifigures (those memorable characters) for their collection - for those LEGO Star Wars fans.
The LEGO Star Wars franchise is a big universe - with over 25 years of productions including numerous sets and even LEGO minifigures. A large fan base, with many collectors.
For those who have followed the LEGO series (and those LEGO Star Wars fans, including those who have had a chance to explore earlier iterations) might know that a set with Jabba’s Sail Barge had a prior, earlier, release, which occurred back in 2006 - featuring an older version (the original set - which included approximately 1,107 pieces and was known as "7127"). It was initially released during the series' peak (when LEGO Star Wars was celebrating a 10 year anniversary - a big milestone). Although it featured many of the same characters (including Jabba The Hutt, as well as Salacious Crumb) the characters featured had an older design.
For LEGO Star Wars fans (including those who enjoy collecting) and may seek out those iconic sets from the Star Wars Saga, the options are wide. The LEGO Ultimate Collector Series (UCS) is one example.
Some of those standout LEGO Star Wars sets (as rated and reviewed by fans who are LEGO collectors) include: the Death Star, which has an extensive history - having appeared in "Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope" and, a more recent version of the Death Star from "Star Wars: Episode VI — Return of the Jedi," as well as the LEGO Millennium Falcon (the iconic, spacecraft that Han Solo has used as his ship across several episodes). Another standout is the "LEGO Star Wars X-Wing" - featuring an intricate design. Many would argue that this one might be the most popular LEGO Star Wars sets - based on those LEGO Star Wars Reviews as those LEGO Star Wars fans continue to expand their collections.