The original Jurassic Park is considered a timeless classic. While Jurassic Park legacy lives on through later installments like Jurassic World Dominion, audiences today have more critical lenses. One recurring theme in Jurassic Park controversy focuses on the relationship between Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern) and Alan Grant (Sam Neill).
Laura Dern made Jurassic Park comments about the age gap in Jurassic Park film, with many fans agreeing with her viewpoint! While the Jurassic Park script notes Ellie to be 20-something, and Alan to be in his 30s, their age discrepancy wasn't properly reflected in Jurassic Park actors who played those roles. It has now become one of those Hollywood movies age gap storylines that, though enjoyed for its suspense and entertainment, may not stand up to the cultural awareness of the times.
When you consider the roles in Jurassic Park characters, Alan Grant is considered to be Ellie Sattler's senior by a lot. While Jurassic Park and age gap seem harmless, it's a great illustration of why Hollywood movies age gap is a topic often brought up in movies made today!
Jurassic Park has seen its share of sequel movies, but a new movie like Jurassic World Dominion shows how they treated that element. It's also a great insight into the Jurassic Park legacy and the themes that persist as movies evolve over time.
Be mindful of those kinds of movie pairings when you're looking into Hollywood movies age gap. Consider whether there is a power imbalance in the story and consider those aspects! You can research and look further into how audiences perceive those problematic relationships.
It seems like it's more of a discussion about what Jurassic Park is and its cultural impact rather than a large controversy. Some fans may have found this Jurassic Park relationship an awkward aspect of the movie! That doesn't mean Jurassic Park review would necessarily be any different! Audiences should keep their eye out for those kinds of storylines, which may be more critical of those Jurassic Park problematic dynamics when new films and stories emerge!
The actors from Jurassic Park were older, so it did feel different in Jurassic World Dominion when the age gap between those Jurassic Park actors was greater, but less shocking.