Jackie Chan a world known martial artist, actor and director has a new project upcoming in Karate Kid: Legends which is adding to his extensive legacy in action films. Recent attention has also been put on his previous work including the " Rush Hour " series highlighting what makes this iconic actor successful.
Jackie Chan is revisiting the role of Mr Han in Karate Kid: Legends along with Ralph Macchio ’s original character Daniel LaRusso for a new story that mentors Li Fong who has relocated from Beijing to New York City. The story combines new and original characters creating new aspects for fans of this classic story line.
The main part of the story is the development of new martial artists. This film will also explore old and new techniques and mentor ship from two familiar yet different views. With a unique mix of skillsets from each style they must find what works best in a very unpredictable world. These mentors are essential as they teach Li both martial arts and aspects of life lessons through their individual values.
After first playing the character Mr.Han in 2010, Jackie Chan is back in a major way. His role expands through mentorship using his kung fu skills to new levels. His style remains while helping to guide the young prodigy Li Fong. He demonstrates a unique talent to be an influential guide to a new generation of martial arts fans.
Ben Wang a new face in the Karate Kid series plays Li Fong in this new production. As a die hard fan it is noted that he gives excitement for those that know of the older characters but allows a chance for newer characters and talent to have a place of recognition. With Chan mentoring Wang, there is both authenticity and excitement. It may give life to all those who want to get started with martial arts due to these new characters.
Along with Jackie Chan, the Karate Kid films original character, Daniel LaRusso will be appearing in the movie. It creates a meeting between the old and new by combining both their unique experiences and styles together for training.
The movie shows a very strategic move of blending martial arts styles of karate and kung fu together through training. By giving an insight into both philosophies the film may inspire newer views into these practices of discipline and perseverance.
Jackie Chan has been a prominent figure in martial arts movies as seen with his work in "Rush Hour" where his dynamic character along side Chris Tucker is a huge hit. The series of three movies are on Netflix and continue to draw viewership.
The "Rush Hour" films combine action and humor with great comedic timing between actors and highly energetic action scenes with a unique spin for all to enjoy. It makes sense that they created several of these action movies as they resonate with audiences from every demographic.
With all the continued attention to this franchise the possibility of "Rush Hour 4" remains present. Although progress has had challenges the idea of bringing these two stars back on screen once again still has many excited. It also highlights a large range of opportunities available to those working in production and on screen talent as the landscape continues to change.
Throughout his many career roles Jackie Chan has shown his mastery of marital arts and his ability to mix that into other areas of performance. His movies blend stunt work action and comedy which highlight what makes his character and style all his own and sets a standard for future actors to achieve. His influence may lead to future projects that carry on his approach.
Chan's style is different than most. He shows more emphasis on a variety of techniques as he creatively uses his environment, using household items, props and surroundings into his work while not looking completely flawless which makes for a very human and memorable experience.
An older movie called Painted Faces shows the very beginning years for Chan and his other notable contemporaries that shows what a long career he has truly had while understanding more about their work as young actors at the China Drama Academy.
It has been stated that though strict, their time at the China Drama Academy served as a family for the children giving a positive yet also intense environment where many notable actors were born. Their master Yu Jin-yuen while having strict tendencies ultimately is remembered with a fondness for helping all that were under his guidance. That level of dedication and drive helped to create some very important figures in the martial arts world today.