Movies News Talk

Goodrich Movie Review: Michael Keaton Shines in Hilarious Parenthood Drama

Goodrich: Michael Keaton Shines in a Hilarious and Heartfelt Look at modern parenthood!

Michael Keaton Was Always the Perfect Choice for Goodrich!

Goodrich, a new comedy-drama now playing in theaters, is another fantastic addition to Michael Keaton's amazing recent career revival. It's been great to see him return to some beloved roles; he is seriously amazing! The film, written and directed by the supremely talented Hallie Meyers-Shyer (following her debut directing Reese Witherspoon in Home Again), showcases Keaton’s masterful performance; which demonstrates how deeply capable he still remains! The film follows Andy Goodrich, an art dealer forced to become the main parent when his much younger wife enters rehab.  It perfectly displays just how capable he is!

Keaton totally embodies Andy's wit and the surprising amount of underlying emotional strength shown; the result of this combination becomes this amazing display of how unexpected things can occur. This man, already capable at the beginning, slowly becomes something else completely!  This incredible journey, that arc seen through Andy's parenting and development showcases the impact of his journey which creates this emotional story, perfectly blended with humorous elements to make the experience both memorable and poignant. It also highlights Andy's struggles navigating primary parenting for the first time!  The complicated dynamics with his adult daughter Grace (played by Mila Kunis) is a large part of what drives those events forward!

Also Read: Goodrich Movie Review: Keaton & Kunis Deliver in Hilarious Family Dramedy

Director Hallie Meyers-Shyer Discusses Modern Family Dynamics and those Amazing Actors!

Andy looks at Billie as she and Mose snuggle close to him in Goodrich Image

We recently talked with Meyers-Shyer about her unique take and creative methods employed in Goodrich; her creative ideas and choices and she reveals exactly what kind of creative processes allowed these creative moments! When asked what sparked Goodrich, she talks about the explosion of information surrounding modern parenting (especially around the challenges for families that are multi-generational and the changes expected in those particular areas). She decided to see just how one individual would respond in such a dramatically unique situation.  It starts from looking at someone who'd already had children during those 1980’s but ends up becoming a full-time caregiver for younger kids.  

This amazing interview with the creative genius behind Goodrich is an exciting take on modern parenthood, highlighted further through discussion of the important and complicated relationship that unfolds between Andy and his adult daughter Grace (Mila Kunis). This discussion provides insightful commentary around those elements specifically which helped influence the narrative and characters involved, ultimately helping explain how that unique relationship came into being and how well these creative choices ultimately fit and the impacts resulting from this creative blending of comedy and deeply serious social commentary that's relatable. The dynamics explored emphasize the authenticity and how many viewers likely find it strongly connected to them.

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Unexpected Parenthood: Andy Goodrich’s Amazing Transformation

Michael Keaton as Andy in Goodrich Image

One pivotal point Meyers-Shyer highlights when discussing the process and characters: how the sudden requirement for Andy, the "backup dad" of his younger twins; and the consequences. The plot places the "worst person possible" into these kinds of family events to heighten this element even further: She makes Andy completely incapable; highlighting that very real challenge where parents (those dads especially), weren’t completely equipped or necessarily expected to deal with raising young children in that way.

Meyers-Shyer discussed how Andy learns the incredible value and difficulty involved and finds that fulfillment and transformation, which completely remakes his viewpoint of the challenges in those times. He isn’t completely different;  but there's this deep reflective journey shown through this unexpected parenting experience which creates some incredibly heartfelt moments and changes the very character!

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Andie MacDowell's Return and the Magic of Keaton & Kunis!

Andie MacDowell & Michael Keaton laughing during Goodrich Image

There are a few more points: one very fun aspect. This is the first time in 27 years that Andie MacDowell and Michael Keaton are together onscreen. She appears in that key role of his ex-wife – it shows off their excellent chemistry (something easily apparent from those previous roles that some might remember!); It’s just instant connection. The discussion also explores this interesting casting choice; and shows how effectively the creative decision truly played out! She mentions that it's very difficult for a singular actor to enter and play within an existing team of other actors; that was why this was done.   Their rapport felt very natural.

Meyers-Shyer then talks about Mila Kunis’s contributions.  It totally wasn't what was expected!   She brought depth and vulnerability in a manner which added greater emotional impact and shows how creative casting choices truly create wonderful outcomes and result in amazing characters!

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Conclusion: Goodrich’s Heartfelt Humor, and Keaton’s Triumphant Performance!

Mila Kunis sitting with the kids on red couch Image

Goodrich blends humor and heartfelt drama with great results and a superb example of effective comedic narrative: using that perfect balance between serious social commentary and very appropriate humor without any jarring tonal shifts. That’s totally down to Keaton and Kunis's effortless portrayals; creating both humor and emotional impact and conveying their powerful portrayals, which remain critically essential for generating the final dramatic effect that's largely responsible for generating those incredibly positive, deeply emotional effects on viewers.

This shows a supremely talented director, her creative approach toward highlighting certain details of character creation through various important thematic moments that create deep connections with audiences.  It emphasizes an incredibly talented director's methods. It also showcases Keaton’s versatility perfectly, this very unique role highlighting some extremely key narrative and stylistic approaches. He makes those complicated emotional shifts feel genuine and the whole performance becomes intensely satisfying! Go see this movie! You'll laugh, and maybe even cry a little!

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