The future of the Gambit character, portrayed by Channing Tatum, after the conclusion of the "Deadpool & Wolverine" movie, is unclear. During an interview with Collider, Tatum alluded to Gambit being trapped in the Void, a state of limbo where TVA "pruned" timelines and variants are sent.
Channing Tatum's involvement with the Gambit character has been in the news for years. There were rumors about a Gambit Movie, but those plans were eventually scrapped. It was in 2023 that Tatum made his debut as Gambit in "Deadpool & Wolverine."
Gambit played a role in the ending of "Deadpool & Wolverine" being seen on a TV monitor while under TVA surveillance. The TVA, known for their "pruning" tactics, has raised questions about Gambit's fate and what he faced following his brief appearance. It remains unclear whether this was simply for monitoring or signified further action by the TVA.
The fate of Gambit within the MCU has always been uncertain. Despite being an iconic X-Men member and having had a potential Gambit Movie in the works for many years, he had yet to make a full debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe before "Deadpool & Wolverine." While the movie does feature the character briefly, it leaves his fate very unclear, keeping audiences engaged in theories.
In Marvel Comics, Gambit is a beloved member of the X-Men team, known for his kinetic energy manipulation abilities and a captivating Cajun personality. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is currently introducing more X-Men into their storylines, and with "Deadpool & Wolverine" showing Gambit, the future of this popular character in the MCU remains to be seen.
Tatum's statement about Gambit possibly being in the Void doesn’t offer much information on what happens next for the character. It implies there may be an unknown fate in store for the Cajun hero. He did, however, also say, “There's something that's happening in that moment that maybe no one knows yet." It might be that Gambit's story in the MCU isn't over just yet.