Movies News Talk

Coruscant Never Conquered by First Order: Star Wars Reveals Shocking Truth

Coruscant: A Holdout Rebellion Against the First Order

Rising in the wake of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the First Order presented a great threat to the galaxy since it promised quick and merciless invasion. But from the book The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire by Dr. Chris Kempshall, an intriguing discovery surfaces: Former seat of the Galactic Empire and legendary planet-city Coruscant never yielded to the First Order.

The failed conquest of Coruscant by the First Order

Seeking to rule the galaxy, the First Order sent its legions all around, trying to control the important systems as stressed by Rey's comment to Luke Skywalker. Many felt that Core Worlds such as Coruscant would surely succumb to their force. But the book reveals Coruscant's resiliency, showing how the First Order's attempts at planetary conquest were foiled.

Two sizable First Order battle groups attacking Coruscant aim to establish their rule from the power base of the former Empire, thus the Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire exposes. These efforts finally failed, leaving the course of the war at that point obscure.

According to the book, Coruscant effectively repelled the First Order, but the exact causes of this are yet unknown. Coruscant's own local defense forces, relics from the New Republic, might have been crucial. Claudia Gray's book Bloodline raises questions about Coruscant's political orientation, implying perhaps more complexity than first thought.

Set in 28 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin), the book Bloodline reveals that the New Republic Senate was split with the Centrist party—which had ties to the First Order—having great impact. Arbo, the senator of the First Order's New Republic, belonged to this party, so underscoring the complexity of the political scene at that period.

Unanswered Inquiries Regarding Coruscant's Future

The admission of Coruscant's opposition to the First Order begs interesting issues. Though not their capital, the Mandalorian and Ahsoka series show Coruscant as the center of New Republic power, which begs issues about its position following the collapse of the New Republic. Further adding to the mystery around this surprising turn of events, other sources characterize Coruscant as plunging into lawlessness during the sequel trilogy era.

The lack of a thorough depiction of Coruscant's fate during the sequel trilogy causes a notable knowledge vacuum about the galaxy during that age. Future Star Wars narratives should explore the events surrounding the First Order's abortive attempt to seize Coruscant, so offering more insights into this intriguing story.

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