Movies News Talk

Brothers 2: Will This Heist Sequel Be Bigger Than Logan Lucky?

Brothers 2: A Heist sequel That Could Outshine Logan Lucky!

Brothers: A Modern Take on Twins With Huge Sequel Potential

Amazon's Brothers (2024), starring Josh Brolin and Peter Dinklage as mismatched criminal twins, might not have been a huge critical darling; however its potential really shines through! This film really isn’t a remake, but it feels like a modern update to that insanely awesome classic Twins (1988), the movie that brought us the pairing of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. This kind of casting choice—that crazy contrast between those involved— is the very thing that sold that initial premise which later earned it continued cult status.

Brothers uses that same basic approach.  And it does so in amazingly effective ways, demonstrating those classic cinematic moments only achievable when using these contrasts. This particular film may have seen some mixed initial critical reception; its initial appeal to the fanbase didn't pan out and even underperformed compared to prior expectations. This contrasts immensely with its success. However the chemistry between Brolin and Dinklage is undeniably amazing. And that alone keeps fans hoping; their combined energy makes up for many shortcomings in this otherwise lackluster movie, keeping things alive and engaging for that larger audience despite those very significant shortcomings.

Also Read: Brothers Movie: Josh Brolin & Peter Dinklage Team Up for a Wild West Comedy

Logan Lucky’s Missed Opportunity: The Heist Franchise That Wasn’t

Josh Brolin, Peter Dinklage, and Brendan Fraser in Brothers Image

Brothers might not set up a sequel itself.  However, this particular plot and storyline could be a natural and highly creative way for that kind of ongoing film franchise to exist and gain continued popularity; yet there’s an existing movie from a similar premise and theme which could also help give additional insights into why those specific choices for creative storytelling may matter!

Logan Lucky (2017), starring Adam DriverChanning Tatum, and Daniel Craig, directed by Steven Soderbergh (that guy known for Ocean's Eleven), was a total heist thriller, and very similar in overall design and structure to Brothers!  Despite its amazing 92% Rotten Tomatoes score and incredible cast, it only grossed $48 million worldwide—a huge letdown. Yet, this movie shows how some of these smaller films gain popularity; this underappreciated masterpiece gets more love and attention with every passing year.  It just lacked that special marketing approach.

Had Logan Lucky succeeded; it would be possible to even build an entirely different movie universe around these kind of smaller productions that can really showcase individual talent! We might've had that totally cool Ocean's Eleven style series with these very specific actors working together repeatedly over a time period which spans years! That was seriously missed.

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Brothers 2: The Ocean's Eleven Style Sequel We Deserve

Channing Tatum, Daniel Craig, and Adam Driver in Logan Lucky Image

Brothers sequel can totally fill that void!  And even the director, Max Barbakow, has mentioned something really interesting, in fact teased the possibility of "Ocean's 11"-style heist. That is insanely exciting! The combination of BrolinDinklage, and potentially many more actors adding an immense ensemble for a future franchise shows those immense possibilities.  We may not be seeing Logan Lucky 2, but there is still huge opportunities in an ongoing film franchise that could span for several years.  The possibilities for character additions remain extremely high and completely untapped in the potential sequel, even more so for a series such as Brothers.

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What Could Brothers 2 Be About?

Peter Dinklage sitting in a bathtub in Brothers Image

Brothers ends with the Brolin/Dinklage pair seeming done with crime. However that ending makes sense but does have some openings. Perhaps something could've been added; maybe these are intentional openings left by the writers. That's where Brothers 2 could enter, possibly involving the duo falling on hard times, needing more cash to resolve some deeply hidden problem– leading to another “one last job”. 

Their estranged mother (Glenn Close), possibly back with another family, half-siblings causing chaos and new relationships could be completely utilized and could bring intense opportunities in later installments of that kind of series, while also including many previously absent characters; possibly bringing the entire ensemble that we initially missed into this movie’s development process. All these kinds of storylines exist. This could happen so easily.

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Conclusion: Brothers 2 Could Be the New Heist Movie King!

Brothers (2024) Official Poster Image

Brothers, even though a generally well-received film overall that still does underperform compared to earlier audience's expectation may not be the total critical masterpiece; yet, it shows promise! A sequel capitalizing on that amazing Brolin/Dinklage chemistry plus an “Ocean's 11” inspired plot is amazing potential, easily taking the top spot if crafted correctly and with appropriate attention and insight and development of its actors’ combined talent!  This may surpass those limitations and disappointments that prevented Logan Lucky from launching a truly amazing and widely recognized film franchise.  There are many ways a series could be produced, with the ending leaving that potential already set. The initial movie provided great groundwork – which only further develops an immense future storytelling capacity.

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