Better Man, is a biographical musical film about the life of musician Robbie Williams. The movie will have a creative spin depicting Williams as a CGI chimp. However, at a recent screening Robbie Williams performed a surprise real life wedding ceremony at a Q&A which garnered a great deal of attention.
Better Man explores the life and career of pop star Robbie Williams . As a way of creating more dimension he is presented as a CGI chimpanzee in this telling of his life story and it is a film where Williams does provide the singing vocals and narrative of the movie . His songs, life and journey were meant to be conveyed through unique delivery methods.
Beyond his musical career, Williams has been an ordained minister since 2002 using a license he acquired online which made him a unique selection for providing marital rites and ceremonies to those that may want it. This position allows him the ability to oversee spiritual unions, providing another avenue for his fans and others to engage with him. He first obtained the ability to perform wedding ceremonies so he could marry his best friends.
During a screening and a Q&A of "Better Man" in New York a fan asked for Robbie Williams to officiate his marriage and was married on the spot by Robbie. While holding a large slushy in hand Robbie jokingly noted that it may not be legal however the message will carry on in their hearts and for his. This is not only great entertainment but a showcase of his personality and care.
Robbie Williams wrote the original song “Forbidden Road” for the movie. This song was nominated for Best Original Song at the Golden Globes. However it was disqualified for the Academy Awards. The Academy did not deem the song original as it was noted there are melodic similarities to "I Got a Name". The singer stated that "the rules are the rules" while still having positive attitude about the situation at the awards show.
"Better Man's" movie debut in the U.S. did not fare well, making just a small box office return. It did better in the UK showing more financial gain and viewership but not enough to meet initial budgetary goals for the production company. This contrast shows how different markets respond to releases of the same film depending on many factors from culture to promotional output.
Robbie spoke about struggling to find enjoyment in some big performances earlier in his career due to his personal mental health challenges. He did still appear on stages as scheduled yet internally it was an uphill battle to appear to be joyous. These moments were put on display for all his dedicated fan base to note how he pushed forward with many personal battles ongoing throughout his time in entertainment.