The Thicket is a dark, gritty, and suspenseful thriller set in the Louisiana bayou in 1891. It tells the story of a young boy named August, who is forced to go on a dangerous journey to find his kidnapped sister. He's guided by a mysterious, and perhaps not so trustworthy, tracker named Reginald, played by the talented Peter Dinklage. Along the way, they encounter a series of sinister characters, including a cunning slave hunter, a vengeful woman, and a dangerous creature lurking in the swamp.
The Thicket boasts an impressive cast featuring: Peter Dinklage as Reginald, the enigmatic tracker Olivia Cooke as August's sister, whose disappearance sets the whole story in motion Glynn Turman as a powerful figure in the bayou Leila George as a mysterious woman with secrets David Arquette as a dangerous character who crosses paths with August and Reginald
The Thicket is set to premiere on Tubi on August 11, 2023. Get ready to dive into a world of intrigue, suspense, and danger in the Louisiana bayou.
You can watch The Thicket exclusively on Tubi, a free streaming service that offers a wide variety of movies and TV shows. You won't need a subscription or any payment information to enjoy the thrilling adventure of The Thicket.
Yes, there are two official trailers available for The Thicket! The second trailer gives a more in-depth look at the film's captivating storyline, the suspenseful atmosphere, and the compelling performances of the cast. You can find them on Tubi's official website and YouTube channel.