Hellboy: The Crooked Man is a supernatural horror film that serves as a direct sequel to Hellboy (2004), ignoring the events of Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008). The film follows Hellboy, a demon with a right hand of doom, as he confronts a new threat in the form of a vengeful witch and her army of the damned. The plot revolves around a mysterious farmhouse in Appalachia where Hellboy and his team investigate a string of bizarre deaths. This leads them to the titular Crooked Man, a powerful sorcerer with a sinister plan to unleash hell upon Earth.
Hellboy: The Crooked Man features a star-studded cast, including:
Hellboy: The Crooked Man is directed by Brian Taylor, known for his work on the action-packed films Crank and Gamer. Taylor brings a unique visual style and a focus on intense action sequences to the project, promising a thrilling and visually captivating experience for fans.
Hellboy: The Crooked Man is set to premiere on April 21, 2023, providing horror fans with a highly anticipated release to look forward to.
Hellboy: The Crooked Man is a direct sequel to the 2004 Hellboy film, ignoring the events of the 2008 sequel and the 2019 reboot. This decision allows the film to tell a new story within the established continuity of the first film while introducing new elements and characters.
Hellboy: The Crooked Man promises a dark and gritty atmosphere, with a strong emphasis on horror elements. The trailer showcases a disturbing and unsettling world filled with supernatural creatures and a palpable sense of dread. The film is expected to delve into themes of darkness, redemption, and the struggle against evil, making it a captivating and thrilling experience for horror enthusiasts.