The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is preparing for a possible World War Hulk adaptation, and the future Captain America: Brave New World might be the key to its arrival. Harrison Ford's Red Hulk marks the MCU's introduction of a new degree of gamma-powered peril that might compel Smart Hulk to release the original, savage Hulk once more.
Red Hulk's arrival in Captain America: Brave New World will have major effects on the Hulk's MCU future. It presents a fresh danger that might cause the world to once more fear Hulks. This might be the impetus for a narrative arc modeled by World War Hulk's Marvel Comics plot.
Red Hulk's Affect on MCU Story of Hulk
Red Hulk offers a fresh challenge to the MCU's Hulk, especially the Smart Hulk form Bruce Banner accomplished in Avengers: Endgame. Although Smart Hulk has discovered some peace, Red Hulk's arrival might throw off things. Another strong gamma-powered being, maybe under manipulative Samuel Sterns' control, could compel Smart Hulk to go back to the strength of the first, savage Hulk. This would help the world to understand that other Gamma-powered entities could be a major threat and that the power of the Hulk should not be taken lightly.
Red Hulk's Prospective for Conflict and World War Hulks
Red Hulk's presence raises a possible conflict with the current Hulk figures. More Gamma-powered creatures could also result from it, perhaps resulting in a "World War Hulks" situation. Under this scenario, several Hulks—including the original Hulk, Red Hulk, She-Hulk, even Skaar—could be facing off against one another or against a shared foe.
Red Hulk's introduction by the MCU in Captain America: Brave New World might prepare the ground for a full-scale World War Hulk adaptation. The Thunderbolts might be involved in this event trying to eradicate or exile the Hulk. It might also be driven by the Leader's machinations, who might produce a legion of Gamma-powered entities, so forcing Smart Hulk to reawaken the original Hulk to fight the threat.
The Leader's Potential Role and the Thunderbolts
A World War Hulk event might benefit much from the anti-heroes The Thunderbolts could provide. Their mission might be to contain or neutralize the Hulk, which would have disastrous results for the team as well as for the monster. Conversely, the Leader might be a major World War Hulk manipulator. His quest of destabilizing the planet might produce many Gamma-powered people, which would drive the Hulk into a frantic battle to save the earth.
Red Hulk's MCU arrival marks a major turning point for Hulk's narrative's future. Marvel Studios is definitely investigating fresh and fascinating paths for the character. Given the present status of the MCU's Hulk-centric characters, the World War Hulk adaptation—though not yet confirmed—is a quite likely possibility. Multiple Hulks—including the original Hulk, She-Hulk, Red Hulk, and Skaar—all maybe active in the MCU set the scene for a large, Gamma-powered conflict.
A World War Hulks Event's Possibilities
The present direction of the MCU implies that a World War Hulk or World War Hulks event is rather plausible. For viewers, the existence of several Hulks and the possibility of new Gamma-powered entities create an interesting and exciting prospect. The path The Hulk travels in the MCU is far from finished, and Red Hulk's arrival marks only the start of a possibly grand narrative.