Where to Watch Big Trouble in Little China: Streaming, Renting, Buying
Where To Stream "Big Trouble In Little China"
You're in for a treat if you want to watch this super crazy, super fun classic! We are talking about Big Trouble in Little China, the action-comedy directed by the one and only John Carpenter!
Where To Watch it Online?
There are actually a bunch of places where you can catch Big Trouble In Little China streaming, or even rent or buy the movie.
- It's totally free - watch it on Tubi. Just sign up, relax and watch!
- Apple TV+ has it. Get a seven-day free trial and watch the movie. Don't forget - your free trial will convert into a subscription if you forget!
Want to Rent or Buy "Big Trouble In Little China"
- The most affordable place to rent it is on Amazon Prime Video - $3.79, which is an awesome deal! The other places, like Microsoft, Apple TV+, and even Spectrum will make you pay more than that!
- For buying, it's way cheaper if you go with either Amazon Prime Video or Microsoft. For just $14.99, the movie is yours! Apple TV+ will make you cough up more - it is $19.99 for the same movie.
- Maybe try renting it first, it is cheaper and it’s a fun way to watch the movie!
Is It Worth it?
Big Trouble in Little China is a John Carpenter classic for a reason - it's absolutely bonkers and totally funny! We're talking a fantasy adventure about this truck driver (Kurt Russell - so cool!) and he gets caught up in the wild world of Chinatown magic!
You should be watching John Carpenter's films more often - it's such a trip!