Uglies Movie: Can It Save Netflix From Another Divergent-Like Disaster?
Can Joey King's Upcoming Sci-Fi Movie, Uglies, Rescue a Failed Franchise?
Hold onto your hats! Joey King is about to step into a whole new sci-fi world. But there's something about this new Netflix film that is actually a bit worrying.
Will Uglies Make Up For The Divergent Series's Epic Fail?
Joey King's got this new movie adaptation - "Uglies" - based on a super popular young adult sci-fi book series! The premise is pretty interesting - the world's got a thing about being "pretty"! We're talking crazy plastic surgery and everything.
Where Does The Divergent Franchise Fit In?
- It was like a total dystopian adventure. A dystopian adventure - kind of a young adult sci-fi genre, much like this new "Uglies"! The whole Divergent Movie Series flopped pretty hard! That made it pretty confusing because it started with those huge sci-fi movies with all that great action and crazy special effects. Even Netflix ended up killing the entire series after a while!
- It was really messy because they were supposed to make this awesome series and end it with a bunch of those epic movies. It looks like Uglies has got all the tools to do better than the Divergent series - and you'd think, after "Army of the Dead" went out with a whimper on Netflix, the streaming service could really use a hit. It might be something that keeps people glued to those streaming movies and keep them on Netflix for those Netflix Original Movies.
- But before you go all out, they are kind of similar. Both these films have dystopian themes, and a female lead, a young character - just like Tris, the star of the Divergent series - that turns against the system, the whole way of life.
- That’s the thing with the Uglies Movie: The producers of Uglies saw the popularity of the Divergent movie series but now they're gonna give it a second chance.
Will it be better than the "Divergent" series?
- They have those super similar vibes. "Uglies" might end up getting compared to Divergent all the time - and you'd think Uglies vs Divergent, it'd be an interesting debate!
Should We Expect a "Uglies" Movie Franchise?
The good news is, with the Uglies movies, Netflix might have figured out a secret: put movies straight on streaming and see how they go, before they spend big on the next round!
If Uglies takes off with those Netflix sci-fi movies - they could totally make more movies! But they are keeping an eye out, so let’s wait for that! It would totally be a new, super big movie franchise, though!
- Here's the kicker: "Uglies" is directed by McG (The Babysitter, Terminator Salvation) - so those films might have some epic fight scenes and action sequences, too. It sounds pretty awesome - like it has all the right parts.
- It might even work if those movie reviews are good - then this movie might make those Sci-Fi Movies 2024 more exciting!
This might just turn into another big-deal franchise for Netflix, with those amazing movies for kids and adults too. The "Uglies" movie could really be the next big thing to come from Netflix. We are looking forward to the Uglies Movie Release Date.