In the dystopian world of Uglies, the society that Tally and her friends live in undergoes a mandatory procedure - that involves undergoing cosmetic surgery when they turn 16, transforming them from Uglies to Pretties. However, their society also implements an even greater, yet less obvious form of control - books are banned.
This book ban in Uglies is meant to ensure a system of control: One that seeks to stop individuals from thinking differently, engaging in free thinking, or perhaps even attempting to develop Uglies free thinking. It ensures a state of conformity in Uglies society.
In Uglies, a world governed by an authoritarian society - the events of this dystopian book often touch upon some of the most important issues, which include the idea of how free will, the capacity to question authority or even make those crucial decisions on our own are considered antagonistic in a society focused on conformity. It’s worth noting how a book ban serves to dismantle the possibility of critical thinking and prevents individuals from gaining new perspectives, such as the possibility of exploring the past - especially as it has shaped the future.
Those familiar with the events that have taken place in Uglies can easily understand just how much of an impact this has. The books that are available within the Uglies movie help bring a different perspective - often revealing just how a society’s system can manipulate the thoughts and decisions of those that it attempts to control, making the reader consider the deeper meanings that are implied, giving us a new understanding about the true impact that censorship can have in controlling those societies that are in constant flux.
In the story of Uglies, it has been revealed that books are indeed banned. It's one of those core elements that is intended to suppress any knowledge that might undermine the established social order. Those characters within Uglies who try to learn about other possibilities or ideas often attempt to make those changes or decisions - and may end up in very dangerous positions.
Books banned are meant to protect this control mechanism, giving the authority more influence, but in an interesting, unconventional twist, those seeking to change their world. The central conflict in the book revolves around those events. As Uglies characters and their world begin to explore books that could serve as a foundational source of understanding for an alternative way to live. This conflict - especially when characters break those rules and begin to challenge those systems that are designed to control them - will often be considered a pivotal point that makes this novel such a powerful experience for its readers, and a story that those in Uglies' world, try to escape from.
The central events in Uglies - are centered on how a dystopian society has come to accept its version of the "perfect world." It takes on those elements of control, censorship - including the Uglies book ban - conformity that those living in this society, often take as their normal state of being.
As viewers or those reading Uglies will find that the characters are set on a mission to question their social order - with the Uglies book censorship taking a center stage in those events. Fans can easily see how those characters in this world, often attempt to find alternative ways of living.
The Uglies movie is a distinctive, yet similar, adaptation - following the original source material (Uglies, the dystopian novel). The story's core events, and plotlines follow Tally - the movie’s central character, whose journey will lead her to make new discoveries about a world that she had never realized existed.
In Uglies, a society that has long attempted to control individuals and maintain conformity - the movie's plot focuses on how the world is being influenced. It can be seen in their decisions to force a standardized, and perfect image, with their version of "beauty". However, there are some changes as they alter the chronology and narrative - all in an effort to expand the overall events, in a sense, making a fresh and distinct take.
Uglies is known as a highly-acclaimed novel (written by Scott Westerfeld). This dystopian world is so powerful and thought-provoking that the author expanded the series - writing several sequels such as Pretties and Specials.
The Uglies story is considered a must-read for those fans of dystopian novels that have often challenged a range of concepts that involve free-thinking and the dangers of conformity. Fans are often excited by the idea that a potential TV series is in development.