Development on an animated Transformers film by Paramount is planned to yield its release on September 13, 2024. Josh Cooley of Toy Story 4 is the director of The Transformers One, which has been under development for some years. It is now at last scheduled for September 2024. This one of the forthcoming Transformers films returns to the fundamental Autobots against Deceptions fights. Transformers One will specifically exhibit junior bots of Optimus Prime and Megatron and relate their origin stories.
The logline of the movie promises to expose the secret origin tale of Optimus Prime and Megatron, sworn rivals previously thought to be as close as siblings. Transformers One stars Brian Tyree Henry as Megatron and Chris Hemsworth as Optimus Prime. Scarlett Johansson as Elita-One, Keegan-Michael Key as Bumblebee, Jon Hamm as Sentinel Prime, Laurence Fishburne as Alpha Trion, Steve Buscemi also makes appearances on the cast of the new film.
According to Paramount, Transformers 8 is already under development alongside a new trilogy starting Transformers: Rise of the Beast. Right now, specifics on the eighth film are few. Whether Steven Caple Jr. will be returning to helm the movie or whether the characters of Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback will resurfaced is not known. With early confirmation, both solutions appear feasible though. The plot started in Transformers: Rise of the Beast should be carried on in the next Transformers film. Although Transformers 8's release date is currently unknown, the early announcement might indicate it shows up in the following several years.
With several forthcoming films scheduled following 2023's Rise of the Beast, Paramount has grand ideas for the future of Transformers. Multiple Transformers films the studio is working on will be released over the following few years. Stars Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox helped Michael Bay introduce the Transformers series in 2007. LaBeouf's Sam Witwicky stayed the main focus for the first trilogy even though Fox exited after just two movies. With Transformers: Dark of the Moon making more than $1.1 billion at the box office globally (per Box Office Mojo), the show reached its zenith during this era.
Complementing the fresh Transformers trilogy started by Transformers: Rise of the Beast, Transformers 9 is also under production. Like its immediate predecessor, the future Transformers films lack specific information about their themes or cast of actors. The film is supposed to somewhat extend the Beast Wars universe. This could include the threat Unicron bears following Rise of the Beast's publication of his story. Although Paramount has not revealed a Transformers 9 release date, it most likely won't come until 2028 or 2029 unless it is shot consecutively with Transformers 8.
Transformers: Age of Extinction marked a new chapter devoid of LaBeouf. Returning to star in Transformers: The Last Knight, Mark Wahlberg became the new face of the Transformers films and marked the end of Michael Bay's tenure with the series. Bumblebee starring Hailee Steinfeld opened theatres in 2018. Though it had a modest financial success, the film got great critical marks. With fresh human leads from Transformers: Rise of the Beast, Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback's forthcoming Transformers films will mark the beginning of the next chapter of the cinematic legacy.
Though long discussed, the Transformers and G.I. Joe brands are producing a crossover film at last. Although Transformers and G.I. Joe have teamed in other media including comics and animated series, the first hint of their live-action film franchise crossover comes at the end of Transformers: Rise of the Beast, when Anthony Ramos' Noah is hired by the G.I. Joe company. Now under development is a full feature film.
Regarding the Transformers and G.I. Joe crossover film, at this stage virtually little is known. Rise of the Beast is a short teaser, hence the full-length movie might proceed in any way. Anthony Ramos most certainly will be involved, as will Michael Kelly's agent Burke. Originally recognized G.I. Joe characters will probably be replaced with a fresh ensemble. Though no official date has been noted, the Transformers and G.I. Joe crossover will most likely be unveiled someplace in 2026.
Also at one point constructing Bumblebee 2 was paramount. Presumably soon after its release and favorable reception, the follow-up to 2018's film was under development. Though it was thought Joby Harold's Transformers script was a Bumblebee sequel, none of any writers were ever revealed for the project. This turned out to be Transformers: Rise of the Beast, so it's not obvious whether Bumblebee 2 is under way. Given what happened at the conclusion of the last film—which entailed Bumblebee's canon-disruption—a straight Bumblebee sequel starring Hailee Steinfeld seems improbable.
Paramount+ lets you stream the Transformers films.
Another unresolved concern was around the likelihood of Transformers: The Last Knight having a sequel. Plans for Michael Bay and Paramount to develop sixth and seventh franchise sequels were altered soon after Transformers: The Last Knight's premiere. The outcome has been the Bay age of films with less importance. Though it means moving on without Michael Bay's input, Paramount could review the concept of carrying on the Transformers franchise in the present day at a later stage. But with Unicron integral to Beast Wars, Michael Bay's films most likely won't materialize.
Following Transformers: Rise of the Beast, the seventh film in the series, one can easily become lost on the movie chronology. Every Michael Bay Transformers motion picture
Though there will be further Transformers films, none of them will involve Shia LaBeouf; Mark Wahlberg is also apparently done with the series. Labeouf, who thought Sam's narrative was finished and had run its course, made the first decision not to go back. Viewers found this to be somewhat unacceptable, though. Wahlberg is likewise over with his portrayal of Cade Yeager; rumors as far back as 2017 confirm at a charity screening of Transformers: The Last Knight that it was his last contribution (via Non-Michael-Bay Transformers movies did not appeal to him.
Having saying that, neither lead was ever going to fully upstage the huge clattering Autobots and Decepticons. Rise of the Beast did with Anthony Ramos's character Noah, so it was simple for the Transformers movies to pour some creative energy into its characters and offer a strong human element to offset the presence of the Bots. The adjustments were also required as the Rise of the Beast film was historical and only Charlie from Bumblebee could have logistically returned. Whether Noah comes back for the rest of the trilogy is yet unknown.