The Transformers franchise has been around for ages, bringing robots to life on screens across the globe! But recently, things have gotten pretty exciting for these iconic robots. This is because of a new release, an animated prequel that came out recently!
Transformers One came out recently and fans were shocked! There's something unique to this adaptation! It looks like there’s a big chance to revisit one of the coolest and most popular villains from Michael Bay's live-action movies! You will need to know that there are SPOILERS ahead if you want to continue.
This is Quintessa and even though her debut appeared in Transformers: The Last Knight (2017), she never really got her moment. It was pretty apparent in Michael Bay's movie she was underutilized. That being said Transformers One changed things!
To get the whole picture, we need to understand where Quintessa came from. You see, Transformers One features Optimus Prime and Megatron, showing what these iconic robots did when they were a little younger! Quintessa doesn't only add some flavor to the origins! In fact, Transformers One introduces the Quintessons!
While the show sets things up with Optimus Prime and Megatron, the movie's ending made it obvious Quintessa could potentially be making a huge comeback. Now, if this is indeed going to happen? This could set things up for a pretty compelling plot with a whole other adversary. Could there be a three-way war between the Quintessons, Decepticons and the Autobots?
There was one major introduction in Transformers: The Last Knight (2017). It's hard not to miss Quintessa when she made her appearance! The plot made her to be one of the powerful leaders who brought about creation to the planet. If Michael Bay thought that was enough, it wasn't enough to completely give her enough screen time to become this main villain!
What might have been apparent is that her inclusion could have been very useful as the series had plenty of material.
Quintessa’s role in Transformers: The Last Knight was so rushed! They should have done more to really introduce the background and explain who this really was. Bay's portrayal left out tons of information.
Here is where Transformers One might just come in! It could even deliver. An animated adaptation provides another chance to bring Quintessa and The Quintessons to the forefront! Transformers One gives the opportunity for her story to unfold, bringing her up in such an engaging and memorable manner.
All things considered. Transformers One provides an incredible starting point! A continuation from a truly compelling franchise! Quintessa could have the potential to come back and show fans all that this memorable villain truly has to offer. "Transformers One" certainly has many interesting plots that can bring such powerful characters together! It would also add so much excitement as audiences anticipate even more from Transformers in the future. The ending for this particular movie made sure there was potential for it. The release might be currently playing in theaters. That doesn't mean the excitement is done. This might bring about much more from Quintessa down the road.