Movies News Talk

Training Day: The Ending That Almost Didn't Happen!

Training Day: Why It Almost Didn't Happen

Why Did Audiences Hate the Ending of Training Day?

Dude, you wouldn't believe this! Apparently, the test audiences for Training Day were totally bummed about Denzel Washington's character getting killed off. Antoine Fuqua, the director, said it was the lowest test score he'd ever gotten! People were like, "Nooo! Not Denzel! We want more of him!" It was a bit of a shock because the ending really added to the movie's impact. But yeah, those test audiences were NOT happy.

Was The Ending Of Training Day Always Planned?

Yup! It was part of the script from the get-go. Fuqua knew he wanted to give Alonzo's character a harsh ending, which reflected the harsh realities of the police world. It was meant to be a statement about the dark side of the law. But it definitely didn't go over well with those early viewers!

How Did Training Day End Up Being So Successful Despite The Bad Test Scores?

Even though those early test screenings were a disaster, the studio decided to go ahead and release the film anyway. And guess what? It became a huge success! People loved it. It even won an Oscar! That just goes to show you, sometimes, the studio needs to trust their gut and go with their vision, even if the test audiences are totally against it.

Did The Test Audiences Have Any Other Issues With Training Day?

That's a great question! The article doesn't say anything else about what the test audiences thought, but I bet they had some other opinions on it too. Maybe they were confused by the ending or they didn't like the way the characters were portrayed, but we'll probably never know for sure. It's interesting to think about though.

What Was Denzel Washington's Reaction To The Ending Of Training Day?

I'm not sure what Denzel thought about the ending, but I bet he was fine with it. He's a big-time actor who probably knows how to separate himself from the characters he plays. Besides, he won an Oscar for it! So, it worked out for him in the end.

Who Is Antoine Fuqua?

Antoine Fuqua is a really successful director. He's known for making action-packed Movies, like Training Day, The Equalizer, and Southpaw. He's got a real knack for creating movies that are both exciting and thought-provoking.

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