Some fans have had strong reactions to the Thunderbolts poster and the image it presents, especially in the cropped, original release, there's the controversy about Bob (a newly introduced character in the Thunderbolts story - who is thought to be Robert Reynolds - a.k.a. Sentry). Fans have gone so far as to question whether this is an issue with the use of AI - as there's the sense that his hands might look unusual and that his index finger looks a bit thicker. It seems like there’s the perception that AI could possibly generate this effect which can often result in a distorted, or even a slightly odd looking character.
It’s interesting to note that in a recent Marvel Studios film (Secret Invasion )- the studios did use AI to generate certain visuals, it's possible that a few fans were ready to quickly draw those conclusions about what happened in Thunderbolts. The truth is there isn’t anything concerning about the use of AI to create those characters. What some fans may not have noticed - is that his fingers were bent in such a way and as a result it looks as though those fingers might look thicker or, even as though two fingers are being blended into one finger.
Sentry, who has been portrayed in a number of comic books - one of those important and highly sought after superheroes - and whose strength has been described in several comic issues. When Marvel Studios released those early images of Bob - it's possible that fans were quick to discover this unusual image and how those fingers look distorted or as though there's a sixth finger – as some fans have called it, those who were concerned that this is a potential mistake as Marvel Studios is often a studio that goes to great lengths to ensure its films look pristine.
As more images have been released – those which don’t showcase the same issue – those which are less distorted - they show Lewis Pullman’s character and those fingers are shown as having five. So, those fans, can reassure themselves that this isn’t the case that there’s no six fingers, even as Marvel Studios often does have an extensive process, those that are involved with that production will often make a show look appealing and visually attractive - fans will be ready to see this movie come to life.
Sentry - one of the most popular, and unique superheroes who appears in Marvel Comic Books - he was created and was brought to life as a person with extraordinary power that was often shown to be more powerful than the likes of The Hulk, which means it would be very interesting to see what would happen if Sentry were to face off against the likes of Captain Marvel.
With his introduction - there’s a lot of anticipation for what's coming next, as Marvel Studios’ has had an enormous amount of success with the launch of Phase Five, fans are waiting to see just how powerful this new superhero will be, his entrance - a big moment as the series continues to grow.
There has been an increasing debate surrounding the use of AI in film, particularly when it comes to Marvel and Disney productions. There has been the perception that the studios, are looking for a way to cut costs - to replace human efforts and this concern is one which will likely not disappear soon.
As fans of the series - they want to believe that the characters that have been brought to life on the screen are real. The MCU is a unique universe that features those real and authentic moments – and some are ready to challenge the use of AI for fear that it might jeopardize those. This doesn’t seem like an issue that is going to be going away any time soon - as there’s a growing concern about the effect of AI and other technical innovations on our creative arts – particularly as it's making its way into the movies and visual arts.
The Avengers - one of those highly popular movies that's brought to life those iconic superhero moments. Fans have found those heroes and their relationships have brought the series together. Thunderbolts - it brings a fresh perspective - by taking those stories - and bringing those elements together – the characters who may be reluctantly forced to come together - in an unorthodox group.
This film might not be similar to some of those early movies - and as viewers look forward to discovering how that storyline will play out. They are ready to see what happens as this unlikely team - joins together in a powerful manner. Phase 5 of the MCU - has begun and it’s going to feature those stories and characters that are often filled with complex themes and difficult choices. Fans have already noticed the characters that have been introduced and the dynamic relationships that are being established.
With so many MCU heroes that are part of the universe: Fans are eager to discover just how those storylines are going to converge and those key moments are going to unfold. The cast includes some well-known heroes - the likes of Bucky Barnes, Yelena Belova and Red Guardian, but some will want to know if the studio plans to feature any new faces - as those who have followed along. Thunderbolts is going to have some of the most recognizable and highly celebrated heroes, so there is a lot of interest in those. The movie is expected to be a high-grossing film and, there's also the strong potential that the movie will see characters from past films or series coming together to work side-by-side and forming a team to battle against evil.
Fans are also waiting to discover which actors will join the cast - with those big characters that are a part of this movie - this is a movie that will be highly watched.